Words containing 係

guānxi* [​] {A} v. concern; affect; matterXuéxí de hǎo-huài ∼ dào jiānglái de gōngzuò. 学习的好坏∼到将来的工作。 One's academic record affects one's future job.n.relation; relationship M: zhǒng 种bearing; impactmembership credentials“backdoor connections”Nǐ zài nàge yīyuàn yǒu ∼ méiyǒu? 你在那个医院有∼没有? Do you know anyone in that hospital?referencecons. yóuyú//yīnwèi A (de) ∼ since A; because (of) AYóuyú shíjiān ∼, jiù tándào zhèr ba. 由于时间∼, 就谈到这儿吧。 Since time is limited, I'll stop here.
méi guānxi To view this entry, please log in
²xìshù To view this entry, please log in
guānxihù To view this entry, please log in
guānxiwǎng To view this entry, please log in
hǎiwài guānxi To view this entry, please log in
lā guānxi To view this entry, please log in
lǎoguānxi To view this entry, please log in
lìhài guānxi To view this entry, please log in
nán-nǚ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
qúndài guānxi To view this entry, please log in
rénjì guānxi* To view this entry, please log in
wàijiāo guānxi To view this entry, please log in
xìngguānxi To view this entry, please log in
yīn-guǒ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
yǒu guānxi To view this entry, please log in
ānquán xìshù To view this entry, please log in
bìngliè guānxi To view this entry, please log in
bùkěbiàn suǒshǔ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
bǔzú guānxi To view this entry, please log in
cìxù guānxi To view this entry, please log in
cóngshǔ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
dǎng-qún guānxi To view this entry, please log in
dǎng-tuán guānxi To view this entry, please log in
dāshang guānxi To view this entry, please log in
dìhuí guānxishì To view this entry, please log in
dìxì To view this entry, please log in
dìxìde To view this entry, please log in
dìxìjù To view this entry, please log in
dìxìshì To view this entry, please log in
duànjué guānxi To view this entry, please log in
duìdāng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
duìděng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
fǎnshēn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
fǎnyì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
fāshēng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
fāshēngxué guānxi To view this entry, please log in
fēixiàndìngxìng guānxi cóngjù To view this entry, please log in
fúhào guānxi To view this entry, please log in
fùhé guānxi dàimíngcí To view this entry, please log in
fùzǐ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
gǎnkǎixìzhī To view this entry, please log in
gàn-qún guānxi To view this entry, please log in
gānxi* To view this entry, please log in
gānxì To view this entry, please log in
gōnggòng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
gōngqiú guānxi To view this entry, please log in
gòngxiàng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
gòngxiàn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
guānxi bǐjiào To view this entry, please log in
guānxicí To view this entry, please log in
guānxi cóngjù To view this entry, please log in
guānxi dàicí To view this entry, please log in
guānxi dàimíngcí To view this entry, please log in
guānxi duànjué To view this entry, please log in
guānxi duìlì To view this entry, please log in
guānxi duìlìcí To view this entry, please log in
guānxi fùcí To view this entry, please log in
guānxijù biànhuàn To view this entry, please log in
guānxi mìqiè To view this entry, please log in
guānxi qǐyè To view this entry, please log in
guānxirén To view this entry, please log in
guānxishì To view this entry, please log in
guānxi tú To view this entry, please log in
guānxi xíngróngcí To view this entry, please log in
guānxixué To view this entry, please log in
guānxi yǔfǎ To view this entry, please log in
guānxi yùnsuàn yuán To view this entry, please log in
guānxi zhǔnzé To view this entry, please log in
guānxi zǐjù To view this entry, please log in
guānxi zǐjùhuà To view this entry, please log in
guójì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
gùyōng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
hánshǔ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
héngjiégòuduàn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
héngjiégòu guānxi To view this entry, please log in
héngjùhé guānxi To view this entry, please log in
héngzǔhé guānxi To view this entry, please log in
huànyù guānxi To view this entry, please log in
huàyǔ zhōng rénjì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
hùbǔ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
hùdòng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
jièdài de guānxi To view this entry, please log in
juédìng xìshù To view this entry, please log in
juésè guānxi To view this entry, please log in
jūnmín guānxi To view this entry, please log in
¹jūxì To view this entry, please log in
kěbiàn suǒshǔ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
kōngjiān guānxixué To view this entry, please log in
láozī guānxi To view this entry, please log in
lèisì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
liándài guānxi To view this entry, please log in
liǎngxìng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
liáng-yóu guānxi To view this entry, please log in
liànzhuàng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
líng guānxicí To view this entry, please log in
lǐngshǔ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
lǐngyù yīcún guānxi To view this entry, please log in
lìyòng xìshù To view this entry, please log in
màoyì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
méiyǒu guānxi To view this entry, please log in
míngcíxìng guānxi cóngjù To view this entry, please log in
mìqiè de guānxi To view this entry, please log in
mócā xìshù To view this entry, please log in
mùdìyǔ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
Nán-Nán guānxi To view this entry, please log in
nèibāo guānxi To view this entry, please log in
nìguānxi To view this entry, please log in
pèihé guānxi To view this entry, please log in
péngzhàng xìshù To view this entry, please log in
piānxiāng guānxìshù To view this entry, please log in
pī-líng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
qīnmì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
qīnshǔ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
qīnshǔ guānxi cíxiàng To view this entry, please log in
qīnsì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
qīn-zǐ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
qìyuē guānxi To view this entry, please log in
quánwēi guānxi To view this entry, please log in
quèxì To view this entry, please log in
qúnzhòng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
rénjiān guānxi To view this entry, please log in
rénjī guānxi To view this entry, please log in
rénshì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
Rì-Měi guānxi To view this entry, please log in
sānjiǎo guānxi To view this entry, please log in
shèhuì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
shēngchǎn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
shíjiān guānxi fùjiāyǔ To view this entry, please log in
shí-kōng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
shī-shòu guānxi To view this entry, please log in
shuāngchóng fúhào guānxi To view this entry, please log in
shù yīzhì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
tiān-rén guānxi To view this entry, please log in
tiáojiàn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
tóngbàn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
tóngcún guānxi To view this entry, please log in
tóngwèi guānxi To view this entry, please log in
tóngxiàn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
tóngyì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
tóngyuán guānxi To view this entry, please log in
tuōlí guānxi To view this entry, please log in
wéixì* To view this entry, please log in
xiàndìng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
xiàndìngxìng guānxi cóngjù To view this entry, please log in
xiāngguān guānxi To view this entry, please log in
xiāngguān xìshù To view this entry, please log in
xiānghù guānxi To view this entry, please log in
xiànzhàng xìshù To view this entry, please log in
xiànzhìxìng guānxicí To view this entry, please log in
xiànzhìxìng guānxi cóngjù To view this entry, please log in
xiàojì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
xiàwèi guānxi To view this entry, please log in
xiàyì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
xìdìnglǐ To view this entry, please log in
xìfēngbǔyǐng To view this entry, please log in
xìlěi To view this entry, please log in
xìshǔ To view this entry, please log in
xiūshì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
¹xìwéi To view this entry, please log in
²xìwéi To view this entry, please log in
xìzhǒng To view this entry, please log in
xuǎnzé guānxi To view this entry, please log in
yīcún guānxi To view this entry, please log in
yīcún guānxi yǔfǎ To view this entry, please log in
yīlài guānxi To view this entry, please log in
yīnqīn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
yīzhì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
yǒu guānxi de To view this entry, please log in
yuánxì To view this entry, please log in
yǔfǎ guānxi To view this entry, please log in
yǔxì guānxi To view this entry, please log in
zhīpèi guānxi To view this entry, please log in
zhōngshū shénjīng xìtǒng To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
zhǔcóng guānxi To view this entry, please log in
zhǔ-gù guānxi To view this entry, please log in
zhǔnguānxi zìjù To view this entry, please log in
zòngjùhé guānxi To view this entry, please log in
zòngjùhé guānxi yǔyánxiàng To view this entry, please log in
zòngxiàng zǔhé guānxi To view this entry, please log in
zōngzúyǔ de wéixì To view this entry, please log in
zūdiàn guānxi To view this entry, please log in
zǔhé guānxi To view this entry, please log in
zǔzhī guānxi To view this entry, please log in

End of list. Total 185 items in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci).