
From Wenlin Dictionaries

¹tóu* [​] {A} n.headhair (style)top/end of sth.chief; headremnant; end; remainsaspect; sideboundspref. leading; first; previousTā ∼ liǎng nián zhù zài Shànghǎi. 他∼两年住在上海。 He lived in Shanghai the first two years.m. (for livestock/garlic)sì ∼ niú 四∼牛 four cowssān ∼ suàn 三∼蒜 three bulbs of garlicadv. 〈environment:〉 coll. before; prior toTā ∼ sì diǎnzhōng zǒu. 他∼四点钟走。 He's leaving before four o'clock.Tā ∼ shí nián jiù sǐ le. 她∼十年就死了。 She died 10 years ago.cons. NUM1 ∼ NUM2 between NUM1 and NUM2sān ∼ wǔqiān 三∼五千 between three and five thousand See also tou
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