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<WL>孩 [hái] (孩子 háizi, 小孩儿 xiǎoháir) child; 女孩儿 girl
<WL>孩 [hái] child, son, daughter (孩子 háizi, 小孩儿 xiǎoháir); 女孩儿 girl, 男孩 boy/son; 婴孩 baby/infant@@; (HDZ:) 咳: 婴儿笑; 小孩, 幼儿; …; (姓)
From 子 (zǐ) ‘child’ and 亥 hài phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 孩(􀍔) hái ‘giggle/titter (of an infant)’ combines 子 (zǐ) ‘child’, and 亥(􂧐) hài (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 咳(􀍓).
Note: In SW 孩(􀍔) is a variant of the main form 咳(􀍓) hái ‘giggle/titter (of an infant)’; today mainly 孩 hái ‘child’, vs. 咳 ké ‘cough’, formerly wr. 欬(􁟗).
Compare: 欬(􁟗) kài/ké ‘cough/choke’ (formerly 欬 kài, today 咳 ké).
HDZ: 孩 : hái : 咳: 婴儿笑; 小孩, 幼儿; 幼小, 幼稚; 爱抚; 看作是婴儿; (姓)
#rG.100.49 W.69k K.GSR937h D.2.1015.11 M.2005 KX..279.15 B.137.0.08
#rG.100.49 W.69k K.GSR937h D.2.1015.11 M.2005 KX..279.15 B.137.0.08
#y haaih\
#y haaih\

Latest revision as of 03:21, 11 May 2018

[hái] child, son, daughter (孩​ háizi, ​孩​ xiǎoháir); ​孩​ girl, ​孩 boy/son; ​孩 baby/infant; (HDZ:) ​: ​; ​孩, ​; …; (​)

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

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The Shuōwén Seal form of 孩 hái ‘giggle/titter (of an infant)’ combines ​ (zǐ) ‘child’, and ​ hài (phonosemantic); formerly wr. ​.
    Note: In SW 孩 is a variant of the main form ​ hái ‘giggle/titter (of an infant)’; today mainly 孩 hái ‘child’, vs. ​ ké ‘cough’, formerly wr. ​.
    Compare: ​ kài/ké ‘cough/choke’ (formerly ​ kài, today ​ ké).
    HDZ: 孩 : hái : ​: ​; ​孩, ​; ​, ​; ​; ​; (​)
►references: Guǎngyùn:100.49; Wieger:69k; Karlgren:GSR937h; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1015.11; Mathews:2005; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:279.15; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:137.0.08
►Cantonese: haaih\
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E5%AD%A9
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