Words containing 运

¹yùndòng* [​] {A} v.move; turn around〈environment:〉 trad. arrange things through pulln.sports; athletics; exercisemovement; campaign; drive See also yùndong
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yùnchóuxué To view this entry, please log in
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yùndong [​] {E} v. arrange things or get things done through pullQù bāng wǒ ∼ ∼, hǎo ma? 去帮我∼∼, 好吗? Please pull some strings for me, will you? See also ¹yùndòng
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yùnzài huǒjiàn To view this entry, please log in
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biànsù yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
bīng shàng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
bù jiéméng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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chuǎng dàyùn To view this entry, please log in
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dàoyùn To view this entry, please log in
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Dàzhòngyǔ Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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fǎnkēxué yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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fāyùndān To view this entry, please log in
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fùbù yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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fùnǚ yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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gòngyùn To view this entry, please log in
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guóyùn To view this entry, please log in
guóyùnchānglóng To view this entry, please log in
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hǎiyùn jīngjìrén To view this entry, please log in
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hángyùnjiè To view this entry, please log in
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héyùn* To view this entry, please log in
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huòyùnliàng To view this entry, please log in
huòyùn lièchē To view this entry, please log in
hùwài yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
hūxī yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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jiàngxīndúyùn To view this entry, please log in
jiànměi yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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jiǎnxié yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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jiāo táohuāyùn To view this entry, please log in
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jiēyùn To view this entry, please log in
¹jiéyùn* To view this entry, please log in
²jiéyùn To view this entry, please log in
jiéyùn xìtǒng To view this entry, please log in
jīliè yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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jìnhuò yùnfèi To view this entry, please log in
jìnyùnpǐn To view this entry, please log in
jìqiǎo yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
jíqīzhuāngyùn To view this entry, please log in
jiùwáng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
jīxiè yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
jīyùn To view this entry, please log in
jíyùn* To view this entry, please log in
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jùliè yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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kōnghào yùnfú To view this entry, please log in
kōngyùn huòwù To view this entry, please log in
Kuángbiāo Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
kuīcāng yùnfèi To view this entry, please log in
Lādīnghuà yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
lányùn To view this entry, please log in
láogōng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
lǎoyùn To view this entry, please log in
lǎoyùndòngyuán To view this entry, please log in
lāyùn To view this entry, please log in
liǎng cì yùnqiú To view this entry, please log in
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liányùn tídān To view this entry, please log in
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luǒtǐ yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
lùyùn To view this entry, please log in
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mìngyùncuōtuó To view this entry, please log in
mínquán yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
mínyùn fēnzǐ To view this entry, please log in
mínyùn rénshì To view this entry, please log in
mínzhòng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
mínzú yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
mínzúzhǔyì yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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nìyùnsuàn To view this entry, please log in
nóngmín yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
nóngyùn To view this entry, please log in
nǚyùndòngyuán To view this entry, please log in
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páiyùngōng To view this entry, please log in
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pāowùxiàn yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
páshān yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
páxíng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
pèijiàn yùndòngyuán To view this entry, please log in
píbùjiànyùn To view this entry, please log in
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píhuátǐng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
pòhuài dānyīn de yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
qiángqiú yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
qiǎngyùn To view this entry, please log in
qiānmíng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
qiānqiu yùndòngyuán To view this entry, please log in
qiǎoyúyùnchóu To view this entry, please log in
qǐdiǎn yùnfèi To view this entry, please log in
qílèi yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
Qǐméng Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
qīngnián yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
¹qīng-yùn To view this entry, please log in
²qīngyùn To view this entry, please log in
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²qìyùn To view this entry, please log in
qǐyùndì chuánbiān jiāohuò To view this entry, please log in
qǐyùnjià To view this entry, please log in
quāndì yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
Quánguó Yùndònghuì To view this entry, please log in
quánnéng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
Quán-Yùn-Huì To view this entry, please log in
quèyùn To view this entry, please log in
quèyùnjú To view this entry, please log in
qūxiàn yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
¹rènyùn To view this entry, please log in
rèshēn yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
sān dà gémìng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
sān-fǎn yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
sān xiàng quánnéng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
sǎománg yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
shèhuìzhǔyì jiàoyù yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
shèjiào yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
shěng-yùn-huì To view this entry, please log in
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shí-xiàng quánnéng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
shí-xiàng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
¹shìyùn To view this entry, please log in
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shíyùnbùjì To view this entry, please log in
shíyùnhēngtōng To view this entry, please log in
¹shì-yùn-huì To view this entry, please log in
²shì-yùn-huì To view this entry, please log in
shǐ yùnxíng To view this entry, please log in
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shízì yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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shuāngfǎn yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
shuāngyōng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
shuǐ-lù liányùn To view this entry, please log in
shuǐ-lù yùnshū To view this entry, please log in
shuǐqiāo yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
shuǐshàng yùndong To view this entry, please log in
shuǐshàng yùndònghuì To view this entry, please log in
shuǐyùn* To view this entry, please log in
shuǐyùn mǎtou To view this entry, please log in
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¹shūyùn To view this entry, please log in
²shūyùn To view this entry, please log in
sì-bān sān-yùnzhuǎn To view this entry, please log in
Sì-Wǔ Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
sīyùn To view this entry, please log in
sīyùnjìnkǒu To view this entry, please log in
sīyùn jūnhuǒ To view this entry, please log in
sìzé yùnsuàn To view this entry, please log in
sùfǎn yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
suìyùn To view this entry, please log in
Sūyīshì Yùnhé To view this entry, please log in
Táiwān Dúlì Jiànguó Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
tiāndìng mìngyùn To view this entry, please log in
tiánjìng yùndòngyuán To view this entry, please log in
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tiàoshuǐyùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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tiāoyùnfèi To view this entry, please log in
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tíyùn To view this entry, please log in
tǐyù yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
tōnghǎiyùnhé To view this entry, please log in
tóng hūxī gòng mìngyùn To view this entry, please log in
tōngqín lǚkè yùnshū To view this entry, please log in
¹tōngyùn* To view this entry, please log in
tōngyùn gōngsī To view this entry, please log in
tóurù yùnyíng To view this entry, please log in
tōuyùn rùguó To view this entry, please log in
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tuōyùnchù To view this entry, please log in
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tuōyùnwù To view this entry, please log in
wàiyùn To view this entry, please log in
wàngyùn* To view this entry, please log in
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wěizhūmìngyùn To view this entry, please log in
wénfùyǐyùn To view this entry, please log in
wénxué yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
wényùn To view this entry, please log in
wénzì gǎigé yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
wòyùn* To view this entry, please log in
wúgānrǎo yùnxíng To view this entry, please log in
wǔqì jìnyùn To view this entry, please log in
Wǔ-Sà Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
wǔxiàng quánnéng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
xiàngòuzìyùn To view this entry, please log in
xiāngyùn* To view this entry, please log in
xiāngyùnhuì To view this entry, please log in
xiànyùnhuì To view this entry, please log in
Xiànzhèng Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
xiǎobānxiǎoyùn To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuò yùnfèi To view this entry, please log in
xiǎojùchǎng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
xiǎoxíng yùndònghuì To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyùn To view this entry, please log in
xièyùn gǎngkǒu To view this entry, please log in
xíngyùn To view this entry, please log in
xìngyùn'ér To view this entry, please log in
xìngyùnquàn To view this entry, please log in
xìngyùnzhīshén To view this entry, please log in
Xīnshēnghuó Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
Xīn Wénhuà Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
xuésheng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
xuétóng yùnshū To view this entry, please log in
Yán'ān zhěngfēng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
yán guǐdào yùnxíng To view this entry, please log in
Yángwù Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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yányùnshǐ To view this entry, please log in
Yàyùn To view this entry, please log in
Yàyùncūn To view this entry, please log in
yāyùnyuán To view this entry, please log in
Yàzhōu Yùndònghuì To view this entry, please log in
yībān yùndòng nénglì cèyàn To view this entry, please log in
Yī'èr-Jiǔ Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
Yìhétuán yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
yīngyùfù yùnfèi To view this entry, please log in
yìngyùn To view this entry, please log in
yìngyùn'érqǐ To view this entry, please log in
yíngyùn qìchē To view this entry, please log in
yíngyùn zījīn To view this entry, please log in
yǐwényùnshì To view this entry, please log in
yìyùnchù To view this entry, please log in
yǒuyǎng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
yóuyùn To view this entry, please log in
yuǎnyáng yùnshū To view this entry, please log in
yuányùndòng To view this entry, please log in
yuánzhōu yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
yùnbān* To view this entry, please log in
yùnbīngchē To view this entry, please log in
yùnbīngchuán To view this entry, please log in
yùnbīng fēijī To view this entry, please log in
yùnbǐrúfēi To view this entry, please log in
yùncái To view this entry, please log in
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¹yùnchéng To view this entry, please log in
yùnchóuwéiwò To view this entry, please log in
¹yùnchū To view this entry, please log in
yùnchūyùnfèi To view this entry, please log in
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yùndànchē To view this entry, please log in
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yùndào jiàgé To view this entry, please log in
yùndǐ* To view this entry, please log in
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yùndòng yīxué To view this entry, please log in
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yùndòng zhìliáocāo To view this entry, please log in
yùnfèi fùqì To view this entry, please log in
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²yùnjiǎo To view this entry, please log in
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zāo èyùn To view this entry, please log in
zàolù yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
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zàoshén yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zhènfǎn yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zhèngdiǎn yùnxíng To view this entry, please log in
zhěngfēng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zhěngjié yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zhèngzhì yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zhígōng yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zhíyè yùndòngyuán To view this entry, please log in
zhìyùn To view this entry, please log in
zhíyùn tídān To view this entry, please log in
zhōngtú zhuǎnyùn To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnchuán zhuāngyùn To view this entry, please log in
zhuàng dàyùn To view this entry, please log in
zhuāngyùn huòyàng To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnkǒu yùnshū To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnyùngǎng To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnyùn kǒu'àn To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnyùnshǐ To view this entry, please log in
¹zhuǎnyùnzhàn To view this entry, please log in
²zhuǎnyùnzhàn To view this entry, please log in
zhùyùn* To view this entry, please log in
zìjué yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zìjué yùnyòng guīlǜ To view this entry, please log in
Zìqiáng Yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zìyóu luòtǐ yùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zǒngyùndòng To view this entry, please log in
zǒu bèiyùn To view this entry, please log in
zǒu hǎoyùn To view this entry, please log in
zǒu hēiyùn To view this entry, please log in
zǒu hóngyùn To view this entry, please log in
zǒu lǎoyùn To view this entry, please log in
zǒu méiyùn To view this entry, please log in
zǒu táohuāyùn To view this entry, please log in

End of list. Total 553 items in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci).