Words containing 消

xiāoxi* To view this entry, please log in
xiāomiè To view this entry, please log in
¹xiāohuà* To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi* To view this entry, please log in
xiāohào* To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshī To view this entry, please log in
xiāochú* To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāo* To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí* To view this entry, please log in
¹chèxiāo To view this entry, please log in
xiāodú* To view this entry, please log in
¹xiāoshì To view this entry, please log in
Cānkǎo Xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
chībuxiāo To view this entry, please log in
chīdexiāo To view this entry, please log in
dǎxiāo To view this entry, please log in
huāxiao* To view this entry, please log in
néngliàng xiāohào To view this entry, please log in
wùzī xiāohào To view this entry, please log in
xiǎodào-xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
xiāodújì To view this entry, please log in
xiāofángchē To view this entry, please log in
xiāofángduì To view this entry, please log in
xiāofángshuān To view this entry, please log in
xiāofángzhàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèishuì To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèizhě To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuàdào To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuǒqì To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuǒshuān To view this entry, please log in
xiāomó* To view this entry, please log in
xiāoqì(r) To view this entry, please log in
xiāoqù To view this entry, please log in
xiāoróng To view this entry, please log in
¹xiāoshí(r) To view this entry, please log in
³xiāoshòu To view this entry, please log in
xiāotuì To view this entry, please log in
xiāowáng To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyán* To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyányào To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyáo* To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyīnqì To view this entry, please log in
xiāozhàng To view this entry, please log in
xiāozhǒng To view this entry, please log in
yānxiāoyúnsàn To view this entry, please log in
yèxiāo To view this entry, please log in
yìqìxiāochén To view this entry, please log in
yúnxiāowùsàn To view this entry, please log in
¹xiāochén To view this entry, please log in
¹xiāosàn To view this entry, please log in
bǎjiǔxiāochóu To view this entry, please log in
bùxiāo shuō To view this entry, please log in
dǐxiāo To view this entry, please log in
²xiāoshòu {E} v. become emaciatedTā zuìjìn ∼ le xǔduō. 他最近∼了许多。 He's lost a lot of weight lately.
xiāofáng To view this entry, please log in
xiāoqiǎn* To view this entry, please log in
bǎochí xiāoxi língtōng To view this entry, please log in
bǎohù xiāofèizhě To view this entry, please log in
bàozhàxìng xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
bíhuà xiāoshī To view this entry, please log in
bīngxiāo To view this entry, please log in
bīngxiāowǎjiě To view this entry, please log in
bùxiāo To view this entry, please log in
bùxiāo yīhuìr gōngfu To view this entry, please log in
cáipòzāixiāo To view this entry, please log in
cèmiàn xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
chànggē xiāoqiǎn To view this entry, please log in
chāoqián xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
²chèxiāo To view this entry, please log in
chóuhènnánxiāo To view this entry, please log in
chuándì xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
chúnhuà xiāoshī To view this entry, please log in
dài xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
dǎnsànghúnxiāo To view this entry, please log in
dīxiāohào To view this entry, please log in
duìxiāo To view this entry, please log in
duìxiāo màoyì To view this entry, please log in
fēiguānfāng xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
fēizāitǐ xiāoyányào To view this entry, please log in
gāojí xiāofèipǐn To view this entry, please log in
gāo shōurù gāo xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
gāo-shōurù xiāofèizhě To view this entry, please log in
gāo xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
guānfāng xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
²héxiāo To view this entry, please log in
huòrányúnxiāo To view this entry, please log in
jiāngjiǔxiāochóu To view this entry, please log in
jiànjiē xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
jiǎnxiāo To view this entry, please log in
jiěkěxiāoláo To view this entry, please log in
jiěxiāo To view this entry, please log in
jīmì xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
kěkào xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
liǎngxiāngdǐxiāo To view this entry, please log in
lùbiānshè xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
méifúxiāoshòu To view this entry, please log in
mìmì xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
mòxiāoting To view this entry, please log in
nàiyòng xiāofèipǐn To view this entry, please log in
nèimù xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
nèixiāofǎ To view this entry, please log in
nǚxiāofángyuán To view this entry, please log in
pòcáixiāozāi To view this entry, please log in
qiāngxiāoyīnqì To view this entry, please log in
qíyì xiāochú To view this entry, please log in
quànyòu xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāo guójiàozhǔyì To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāojiàn To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāo jìnlìng To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāo juédìng To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāo mìnglìng To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāopài To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāo xiànjià To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāo yī cì huìyì To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāo zhàiwù To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāozhǔyì To view this entry, please log in
qǔxiāo zìyuán To view this entry, please log in
ránqì xiāohào To view this entry, please log in
rénjūn xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
rìgāowùxiāo To view this entry, please log in
shàngxiāohuàdào To view this entry, please log in
shàng xiāohuàdào nèishìjìng To view this entry, please log in
shìdù xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
sīyuànbīngxiāo To view this entry, please log in
suìyuèxiāoshì To view this entry, please log in
súlǜquánxiāo To view this entry, please log in
tàntīng xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
tòu xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
wǎjiěbīngxiāo To view this entry, please log in
wèi xiāoshì chéngběn To view this entry, please log in
wénhuà xiāofèipǐn To view this entry, please log in
wúfúxiāoshòu To view this entry, please log in
wùxiāo To view this entry, please log in
wùxiāoyúnsàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāngxiāo gānrǎo To view this entry, please log in
xiāngxiāo gānshè To view this entry, please log in
xiāngxiāo jiàzhí To view this entry, please log in
xiāngxiāoyùjiǎn To view this entry, please log in
xiāngxiāoyùyǔn To view this entry, please log in
xiánxìbīngxiāo To view this entry, please log in
xiāochóu To view this entry, please log in
xiāochóujiěmèn To view this entry, please log in
xiāochóupòmèn To view this entry, please log in
xiāochú fēnqí To view this entry, please log in
xiāochú gùlǜ To view this entry, please log in
xiāochú huàizhàng To view this entry, please log in
xiāochúqíyì To view this entry, please log in
xiāochú wùhui To view this entry, please log in
xiāochú wūrǎn To view this entry, please log in
xiāocí* To view this entry, please log in
xiāodǎo To view this entry, please log in
xiāodú niúnǎi To view this entry, please log in
xiāodúshuǐ To view this entry, please log in
xiāodúyào To view this entry, please log in
xiāodú yàoshuǐ To view this entry, please log in
xiāofá To view this entry, please log in
xiāofǎ To view this entry, please log in
xiāofángchuán To view this entry, please log in
xiāofáng dàduì To view this entry, please log in
xiāofáng duìyuán To view this entry, please log in
xiāofáng lóngtóu To view this entry, please log in
xiāofáng qìcái To view this entry, please log in
xiāofáng shèbèi To view this entry, please log in
xiāofángtǐng To view this entry, please log in
xiāofángyuán To view this entry, please log in
xiāofáng yúntīchē To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèicái To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi chǎnpǐn To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi chéngshì To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi dàikuǎn To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi'é To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi gāozhǎng To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi hézuòshè To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi jiàgé zhǐshù To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi jiégòu To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi jījīn To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèilèi diànzǐ chǎnpǐn To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèipǐn To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèipǐn jiàgé zhǐshù To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi qīngxiàng To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèiwù To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi wùjià zhǐshù To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi xìndài To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèixìng To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèixìng zhīchū To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi xíxìng To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèizhě bǎohù To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèizhě piānhào To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèizhě wùjià zhǐshù To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèizhě zhìshànglùn To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèizhǔyì To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi zīliào To view this entry, please log in
xiāofèi zuòwù To view this entry, please log in
xiāoguāng To view this entry, please log in
xiāohào chòuyǎngcéng To view this entry, please log in
xiāohàoliàng To view this entry, please log in
xiāohàopǐn To view this entry, please log in
xiāohàorè To view this entry, please log in
xiāohàozhàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuà bùliáng To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuàguǎn To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuàlì To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuàlǜ To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuàqì To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuàqiāng To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuà qìguān To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuà wàiguó jìshù To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuàxiàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuàxìng kuìyáng To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuà xìtǒng To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuàyè To view this entry, please log in
¹xiāohún To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuǒjì To view this entry, please log in
xiāohuǒ jītǒng To view this entry, please log in
xiāojiǎn* To view this entry, please log in
xiāojíbēiguān To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí cíhuì To view this entry, please log in
xiāojídàigōng To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí dǐkàng To view this entry, please log in
xiāojiě To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí fángkōng To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí fāyīn qìguān To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí lǐmào cèlüè To view this entry, please log in
xiāojípángguān To view this entry, please log in
xiāojíxìng To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí xíngwéi To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí xiūcí To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí yīnsù To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí yǔyán To view this entry, please log in
xiāojí yǔyán zhīshi To view this entry, please log in
xiāojízhǔyì To view this entry, please log in
xiāokě* To view this entry, please log in
xiāokěbìng To view this entry, please log in
xiāomǐ To view this entry, please log in
xiāomì To view this entry, please log in
xiāomǐhuòhuàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāomǐn To view this entry, please log in
xiāomǐ shuǐhuàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāomǐ sùyuàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāomò To view this entry, please log in
xiāomó jīnglì To view this entry, please log in
xiāomó shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
xiāomó suìyuè To view this entry, please log in
xiāomó zhìqì To view this entry, please log in
xiāonóng To view this entry, please log in
xiāoqiǎnjiěmèn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoqiǎn xiāoqiǎn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoqiǎn xiǎoshuō To view this entry, please log in
xiāoqìr To view this entry, please log in
xiāoquè To view this entry, please log in
xiāoqǔxiàng To view this entry, please log in
xiāoróngzhàng To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshēng To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshēngqì To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshēngshì To view this entry, please log in
²xiāoshì To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshī bùjiàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshīdiào To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshíguǎn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshíhuī To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshípiàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshì qiánxián To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshír To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshǔ* To view this entry, please log in
xiāoshǔzhǐkě To view this entry, please log in
xiāosǔn To view this entry, please log in
²xiāosuǒ To view this entry, please log in
xiāotán To view this entry, please log in
xiāoting To view this entry, please log in
xiāowángyǔ To view this entry, please log in
¹xiāowù To view this entry, please log in
xiāoxià* To view this entry, please log in
¹xiāoxián(r) To view this entry, please log in
xiāoxiánjiěmèn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoxiánr To view this entry, please log in
xiāoxiāotíngtíng To view this entry, please log in
xiāoxi bìsè To view this entry, please log in
xiāoxiē To view this entry, please log in
xiāoxi língtōng To view this entry, please log in
xiāoxi língtōng rénshì To view this entry, please log in
xiāoxir To view this entry, please log in
²xiāoyān To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyánfěn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyánpiàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyè* To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyīn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyǐn To view this entry, please log in
xiāoyōujiěchóu To view this entry, please log in
xiāozāi To view this entry, please log in
xiāozāijiàngfú To view this entry, please log in
xiāozhǎng To view this entry, please log in
xiāozhèn To view this entry, please log in
²xiāozhōng To view this entry, please log in
xiāozhǒngr To view this entry, please log in
xiāozìlíng To view this entry, please log in
xiāozìshuǐ To view this entry, please log in
xiàxiāohuàdào To view this entry, please log in
xíngróngxiāoshòu To view this entry, please log in
xīn xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
xǐxiāoshì To view this entry, please log in
xuànyàoxìng xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
yánniánxiāozai To view this entry, please log in
yānxiāohuǒmiè To view this entry, please log in
yídòuquánxiāo To view this entry, please log in
yíjùdùnxiāo To view this entry, please log in
yílǜdùnxiāo To view this entry, please log in
yǐnjiǔxiāochóu To view this entry, please log in
yìzhìxiāochén To view this entry, please log in
yìzhì xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
yuánpàn qǔxiāo To view this entry, please log in
yùjiǎnxiāngxiāo To view this entry, please log in
yúnsànyānxiāo To view this entry, please log in
yúnùwèixiāo To view this entry, please log in
yùrénxiāngxiāo To view this entry, please log in
yǔrénxiāozāi To view this entry, please log in
yùyǔnxiāngxiāo To view this entry, please log in
zěnshēng xiāoshòu To view this entry, please log in
zhèngfǔ xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in
zhǐkěxiāoláo To view this entry, please log in
zhǐxiāo To view this entry, please log in
zhù xiāohuà To view this entry, please log in
zìxíng xiāoshī To view this entry, please log in
zǒulòu xiāoxi To view this entry, please log in
zuìzhōng xiāofèi To view this entry, please log in

End of list. Total 324 items in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci).