让[讓] ràng* {A} v. ①yield ‖ Tā bù ràng rén. 他不让人。 He does not yield to others. ②allow ‖ Māma bù ràng wǒ qù. 妈妈不让我去。 My mom won't let me go. ③induce sb. to do sth. ‖ Shuí ràng nǐ lái de? 谁让你来的? Who told you to come? ‖ ²Tā ràng kèren jiùzuò. 她让客人就座。 She invited guests to sit at table. ④transfer possession of sth. ⑤offer ◆cov. (passive signifier) by ‖ Xíngli ràng yǔ gěi línshī le. 行李让雨给淋湿了。 The luggage was soaked by rain. ◆cons. N ∼ ¹rén V N makes one V ‖ Zhǔrèn ràng tā qù kāihuì. 主任让他去开会。 The director wants him to go to the meeting.
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