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(F​) [kāi] open; 开​ begin/start [kai] ​开, ​开 [qiān] [jiān] cf. ​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

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The simple-form character 开 (4 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character ​ (12 strokes), keeping the inner part 开, but omitting the rest ​ (8 strokes).
    Note: In the simple form 开, the full-form component ​ ‘door’ is completely omitted (it is wide open); in the non-standard simple-form variant ​𫔭 the full-form component ​ is simplified to ​ instead of simply omitted (as might have been expected).
    The full-form character ​ is itself an abbrev. of older forms, replacing the old component ​ (6 strokes) with 开 (4 strokes).
    The Shuōwén Seal form of ​ kāi ‘to open doors’ combines ​ (mén) ‘double doors’, and 开(​) qiān ‘level/balanced’ (phonetic); formerly also wr. ​𨵑, in which the inner part was not 开(​) qiān, but ​ ‘upraised/respectful hands’ lifting the ​ bolt from the ​ ‘door’.
    Compare: ​/​ qiān (a mountain pass), formerly wr. ​ (DYC).
    Compare: 开(​) qiān ‘level/balanced’; ​(​𢆙) bìng ‘combine’.
    Compare: ​/​ shuān ‘door bolt/latch’ (​/​/​𢩠/​𣟴); ​𨳏(​𨳌).
    Compare: ​/​ kǎi ‘to open doors’, syn. ​ kāi (SW).
    Compare: ​ pì ‘open’, formerly wr. ​𨳟(​𨴔) with ​𡴂 pān, not ​𠬞.
►references: Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.514.3; Lindqvist:288; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:005.0.06; Wáng(1993):135; EDOC:0
►Cantonese: hoi\
►stroke 开 (... strokes)   
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Unicode: U+5F00
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