
From Wenlin Dictionaries
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(F​) [] mother/mom; 妈妈 māma mama

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹mā To view this entry, please log in

The character 妈/​ mā ‘mother/mom’ (妈妈) combines ​ (nǚ) ‘woman’, and ​/​ mǎ (phonetic).
    Compare: ​ mǔ ‘mother’; ​ mǔqin ‘mother’; 妈妈 māma ‘mom/mama’.
    Compare: ​ fù ‘father’; ​ fùqīn ‘father’; ​ bàba ‘pops/daddy’.
►references: Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1029.5; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:038.0.04; EDOC:0
►Cantonese: ma\
►stroke 妈 (... strokes)   
►list characters containing 妈 as a component
►list words containing 妈 (most common words first)
Unicode: U+5988
►web links for ‘妈’
search web for ‘妈’: ►Google ►GT ►Baidu ►Bing ►Yahoo

The Wenlin Zidian (namespace Zi)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E5%A6%88
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