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ref  41009
ref  41009
1ps  pr.
1ps  pr.
11df  what?
11df  [en] what?
11df  [fr] quoi ?
11ex@yy  Nǐ zài shuō ∼?
11ex@yy  Nǐ zài shuō ∼?
11hz  你在说∼?
11hz  你在说∼?
11tr  What are you talking about?
11tr  [en] What are you talking about?
12df  something; anything
11tr  [fr] De quoi parles-tu ?
12df  [en] something; anything
12df  [fr] quelque chose ; peu importe quoi
2ps  cons.
2ps  cons.
21cons  ∼ (A) yě/dōu
21cons  ∼ (A) yě/dōu
21df  any/every A
21df  [en] any/every A
21df  [fr] tous les A
21ex  Tā ∼ dōu bụ̀yào.
21ex  Tā ∼ dōu bụ̀yào.
21hz  他∼都不要。
21hz  他∼都不要。
21tr  He doesn't want anything.
21tr  [en] He doesn't want anything.
21tr  [fr] Il ne veut rien.
22cons  V1 ∼ V2 ∼
22cons  V1 ∼ V2 ∼
22df  V2 whatever V1
22df  [en] V2 whatever V1
22df  [fr] V2 tout ce que V1
22ex  Yǒu ∼ chī ∼.
22ex  Yǒu ∼ chī ∼.
22hz  有∼吃∼。
22hz  有∼吃∼。
22tr  Eat whatever there is.
22tr  [en] Eat whatever there is.
freq  1877.8 [XHPC:3394]</WL>
22tr  [fr] Tu peux manger tout ce qu'il y a.
freq  1877.8 [XHPC:3394]
rem@sarahbrahy_2017-02-06T12:37:32CET  changed entry

Latest revision as of 12:27, 6 February 2017

shénme [-​] {A} pr.what?Nǐ zài shuō ∼? 你在说∼? What are you talking about?something; anythingcons.∼ (A) yě/dōu any/every ATā ∼ dōu bụ̀yào. 他∼都不要。 He doesn't want anything.V1 ∼ V2 ∼ V2 whatever V1Yǒu ∼ chī ∼. 有∼吃∼。 Eat whatever there is.
1877.8 [XHPC:3394] average occurrences per million characters of text
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The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Ci:1011485057
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