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<WL>猪(F豬) [zhū] pig; 猪年 12th year
<WL>猪(F豬) [zhū] pig (公猪 ‘boar’, 母猪 ‘sow’, 乳猪 ‘suckling’, 小猪 ‘piglet’); 猪肉 pork; (生肖) 猪年 year of the pig (12th year)
From 犭(shǐ) ‘pig’ and 者 zhě phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 猪/豬(􁧜) zhū ‘(dense-bristled) pig’ combines /豕(􁧚) shǐ ‘pig’, and 者(􀦅) zhě/zhù/zhū (phonosemantic).
Note: SW describes 猪/豬(􁧜) zhū ← MC /ʈjo/ as a dense-bristled variety of 豕(􁧚) shǐ ‘pig’ with densely-packed bristles (three hairs ‘dwelling in’ each follicle), punning on 居/凥(􂠃) jū ‘squat/dwell’ ← MC /kjo/ (SBGY), cf. 家(􁎞􁎟𠖔); pigs are said to have been domesticated (first captured and raised for food) some 8,000 years ago (HDZ).
Compare: 肚 dù/dǔ ‘belly/tripe’, formerly also wr. 䐗; 豬 zhū ‘pig’, formerly also wr. 䐗.
Compare: 箸(􀲙) zhù ‘(bamboo) chopsticks’; 潴/瀦 zhū ‘puddle/pool/pond/lake’, also wr. 豬/都.
#rG.069.43 K.AD1187 D.2.1351.9 M.1357 KX..714.26 B.201.0.06 E.0
#rG.069.43 K.AD1187 D.2.1351.9 M.1357 KX..714.26 B.201.0.06 E.0
#y jyu\
#y jyu\

Latest revision as of 05:48, 19 February 2019

(F​) [zhū] pig (​猪 ‘boar’, ​猪 ‘sow’, ​猪 ‘suckling’, ​猪 ‘piglet’); 猪​ pork; (​) 猪​ year of the pig (12th year)

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹zhū [​] {A} n. pig; hog; swineb.f. a symbol of man's stupidity ►chǔnzhū 蠢猪

The Shuōwén Seal form of 猪/​ zhū ‘(dense-bristled) pig’ combines ​/​ shǐ ‘pig’, and ​ zhě/zhù/zhū (phonosemantic).
    Note: SW describes 猪/​ zhū ← MC /ʈjo/ as a dense-bristled variety of ​ shǐ ‘pig’ with densely-packed bristles (three hairs ‘dwelling in’ each follicle), punning on ​/​ jū ‘squat/dwell’ ← MC /kjo/ (SBGY), cf. ​(​𠖔); pigs are said to have been domesticated (first captured and raised for food) some 8,000 years ago (HDZ).
    Compare: ​ dù/dǔ ‘belly/tripe’, formerly also wr. ​; ​ zhū ‘pig’, formerly also wr. ​.
    Compare: ​ zhù ‘(bamboo) chopsticks’; ​/​ zhū ‘puddle/pool/pond/lake’, also wr. ​/​.
►references: Guǎngyùn:069.43; Karlgren:AD1187; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1351.9; Mathews:1357; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:714.26; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:201.0.06; EDOC:0
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