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<WL>么 [me] (F麼) (suffix:) 什么; 怎么 [má]  [yāo] (S幺) small@@  [mó] 麽  [ma] 吗
<WL>么 [me] (F麼) 那么 like/so; (int. suf.) 什么 what? [má] 麽/麼/吗 [yāo] (S幺) small@@; (HDZ:) … [mó] 麽  [ma] 吗
originated as another way of writing (yāo) ‘small’, depicting two tiny silk cocoons. Another word meaning ‘small’ is 麽 or , written with or plus 麻 má phonetic on top.
The character is an old common variant form of older 幺 yāo ‘small’ (cf. 幺); as a component 么 is the bottom part of the simple-form character mó (cf. 麽).
The second syllable of the modern words shénme ‘what’, zěnme ‘how’, nàme ‘so’, etc., also came to be written with the character or 麼.
Note: In simple-form texts 么 -me (int. suf.) replaces the full-form character -me (as in 那么, 什么).
Now among simple form characters, is used instead of in 那么 nàme etc., but 麽 is used in the word 幺麽 yāomó ‘insignificant’.
Note: In full-form texts yāo replaces the older form yāo (though 幺 is still used in simple-form and trad. texts, and as a component).
On the other hand, among full form characters, is used for writing 那麼 nàme etc., and is used to write yāo in 么麼 yāomó ‘insignificant’.
Note: The simple form 麽(⿸麻么) mó ‘small’ is a later/slight modification of the older/full form 麼(⿸麻幺) mó ‘small’; cf. 麽.
#rW.90a K.AD593 D.1.33.2 M.7282 KX..82.03 B.003.1.02
Note: There are four related forms in the two old simple/full encodings, three of which are simple-form characters: (GB/Big5); 幺 (GB); (GB); 麼 (Big5).
Compare: Full form 那麼 → Simple form 那么 nàme ‘like/so’; Full form 什麼 → Simple form 什么 shénme ‘what?’.
Compare: Full form 么麼 → Simple form 幺麽 yāomó ‘petty/insignificant’ (not *幺么, nor *么么); this usage is only (书) literary (GFC).
Compare: Formerly 幺 yāo → Full/Simple 么 yāo.
Note: 幺 is a trad. form (not encoded in Big5, though 幺 is the component in the Big5 form 麼); the full-form character 麼 (mó/me/ma) was later wr. 麽 (me/ma) in an attempt to distinguish those readings, but the two characters 麼/麽 were subsequently used interchangeably, and 麽 became the simple form for the reading 麽 mó; the simple-form character 么 arose by back-formation (from 麽), replacing the older form 幺 in both full and simple texts, though 幺 (the trad. form) is still the component form seen in numerous compound characters.
HDZ: 么 : yāo : 幺 (俗字) • mó (又读 ma/me) : (简体) 麽 • ma : 吗
#rW.90a K.AD593 D.1.33.2 M.7282 KX..82.03 B.003.1.02 E.1
#y mo\
#y mo\

Latest revision as of 02:27, 23 October 2018

[me] (F​) ​么 like/so; (int. suf.) ​么 what? [] ​/​/​ [yāo] (S​) small; (HDZ:) … [] ​ [ma] ​

3 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

me To view this entry, please log in
¹má To view this entry, please log in
⁶yāo To view this entry, please log in

The character 么 is an old common variant form of older ​ yāo ‘small’ (cf. ​); as a component 么 is the bottom part of the simple-form character ​ mó (cf. ​).
    Note: In simple-form texts 么 -me (int. suf.) replaces the full-form character ​ -me (as in ​么, ​么).
    Note: In full-form texts 么 yāo replaces the older form ​ yāo (though ​ is still used in simple-form and trad. texts, and as a component).
    Note: The simple form ​(⿸​么) mó ‘small’ is a later/slight modification of the older/full form ​(⿸​) mó ‘small’; cf. ​.
    Note: There are four related forms in the two old simple/full encodings, three of which are simple-form characters: 么 (GB/Big5); ​ (GB); ​ (GB); ​ (Big5).
    Compare: Full form ​ → Simple form ​么 nàme ‘like/so’; Full form ​ → Simple form ​么 shénme ‘what?’.
    Compare: Full form 么​ → Simple form ​ yāomó ‘petty/insignificant’ (not *​么, nor *么么); this usage is only (​) literary (GFC).
    Compare: Formerly ​ yāo → Full/Simple 么 yāo.
    Note: ​ is a trad. form (not encoded in Big5, though ​ is the component in the Big5 form ​); the full-form character ​ (mó/me/ma) was later wr. ​ (me/ma) in an attempt to distinguish those readings, but the two characters ​/​ were subsequently used interchangeably, and ​ became the simple form for the reading ​ mó; the simple-form character 么 arose by back-formation (from ​), replacing the older form ​ in both full and simple texts, though ​ (the trad. form) is still the component form seen in numerous compound characters.
    HDZ: 么 : yāo : ​ (​) • mó (​ ma/me) : (​) ​ • ma : ​
►references: Wieger:90a; Karlgren:AD593; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.33.2; Mathews:7282; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:82.03; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:003.1.02; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: mo\
►stroke 么 (... strokes)   
►list characters containing 么 as a component
►list words containing 么 (most common words first)
Unicode: U+4E48
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search web for ‘么’: ►Google ►GT ►Baidu ►Bing ►Yahoo

The Wenlin Zidian (namespace Zi)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E4%B9%88
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