飞(F飛) [fēi] to fly; 飞机 fēijī airplane; (radical 183, 飞部)
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
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The simple-form character 飞 (3 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 飛 (9 strokes), keeping the first three strokes, but omitting the lower full-form parts (6 strokes).
The full-form character 飛 includes at lower left a shape like 升 shēng ‘rise up’ suggestive of flying, but not a traditional component of 飛.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 飛(𩙱) fēi ‘to fly’ is said to depict a bird flying; in the abbrev. form (inner component) 卂 xùn ‘fly quickly’ (迅) the strokes depicting 羽 yǔ ‘feathers’ are omitted, because the bird flies so fast that its wings/feathers cannot be seen (the wings are tucked into the body, as a diving hawk).
Compare: 羽 yǔ ‘feathers’; 翅(翄翨) chì ‘wing’; 翼(𩙺) yì ‘wing’.
Compare: 鸟/鳥 niǎo ‘long-tailed bird’; 乌/烏 wū ‘crow’; 隹 zhuī ‘short-tailed bird’.
Compare: 鹤/鶴 hè ‘white crane; egret/heron’; 鹳/鸛(𪈩) guàn ‘white stork; black stork’.
“[飛] represents a crane (very common in China) seen from behind. Upwards, the head and the neck bent up, as when the cranes are flying. Below, the tail. On both sides, the wings fluttering. The small strokes represent the quills separated when the bird is flying” —Wieger.
►references: Wieger:11a; Karlgren:AD28; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.51.1,7.4513.2; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:004.1.06; Wáng(1993):57; EDOC:0
►components: ⺄𡿨乁𠃍
►Cantonese: fei\
<cdl char='飞' uni='98DE' points='4,8 124,128' radical='Q K5 D1'>
<stroke type='hxg' points='0,0 76,0 124,128 128,100' />
<comp char='' uni='ED22' points='88,4 124,68' />
<cdl char='' uni='ED22' points='88,4 124,68' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='p' points='92,0 14,64' tail='long' />
<stroke type='d' points='0,84 128,128' />
►stroke 飞 (... strokes)
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Unicode: U+98DE
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E9%A3%9E
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