旅 [lǚ] travel (旅行社 ‘travel agency’, 旅馆 ‘inn/hotel’); 军旅 troops; (卦名) ䷷ Wanderer; (姓); (HDZ:) …
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Cantonese-English Dictionary (namespace Jyut):
►leoi5 旅 b.f./char. ►leoi5 hang4 gip1 旅行喼 ►leoi5 jau4 baa1 旅遊巴 ►leoi5 jau4 baa1 si6/2 旅遊巴士 ►leoi5 jau4 doi6/2 旅遊袋
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
►²lǚ 旅 {D} b.f. ①travel; stay away from home ►¹lǚxíng 旅行 ②troops; force ►jūnlǚ 军旅 ◆n. ①〈environment:〉 mil. brigade ②name of one of the Sixty-four Hexagrams (䷷)
The Shuōwén Seal form of 旅(𣃨) lǚ ‘military unit’ combines 㫃(𣃗) yǎn ‘flag’ and , variant of 从() ‘follow’ (soldiers marching together in military formation/procession with standard/colors/ensign).
Note: The SW entry for 麗() includes a pun on 旅 and 鹿, cf. 丽.
Compare: 旅(𣥐) ← MC /ljoʔ/; 鹿() lù ← MC /luk/ (SBGY).
Compare: 旗 qí ‘flag’, 族 zú ‘nationality’, 施 shī ‘carry out’, etc. (the component is 㫃, not 方 fāng).
Compare: 旋() xuán ‘turn/circle round (foot soldiers)’.
Compare: 衣() yī ‘clothing’, 卒(䘚) zú ‘soldier’, both with similar use of 从() ‘follow’.
Compare: 膐() lǚ ‘backbone/spine’, old variant of 吕/呂(), formerly also wr. 旅; cf. 吕, 婁.
HDZ: 旅 : lǚ : (单位) 军队编制单位 (五百人; 二千人); 军队; 众, 众多; 众子弟; 具, 共同; 铺陈, 陈列 (cf. 臚); 次序; 寄居, 客处; 植物不种而生; 道路; (卦名) ䷷; 养; 末; (周代) (官名) 下士: 下大夫; (祭名); 膂 (cf. 吕); (古地名) 莒; (姓)
►references: Guǎngyùn:256.19; Wieger:117b; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.2178.7; Mathews:4286; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:483.02; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:167.1.06; Wáng(1993):156; EDOC:1
►components: 㫃方𠂉从
►Cantonese: leuih/
Shuōwén: (𣃨)
<cdl char='旅' uni='65C5' radical='X4'>
<comp char='㫃' uni='3AC3' variant='9' points='0,0 128,128' />
<comp char='' uni='EF6D' points='72,40 128,124' />
<!-- 2016-12-30T02:42:28Z -->
<cdl char='㫃' uni='3AC3' variant='9'>
<comp char='方' uni='65B9' points='0,0 60,128' />
<comp char='𠂉' uni='20089' points='60,4 128,46' />
<!-- variant based on [U+65C5](V=0) -->
<!-- 2016-12-30T03:31:51Z -->
<cdl char='方' uni='65B9'>
<stroke type='d' points='47,0 66,22' />
<comp char='万' uni='4E07' variant='1' points='0,30 128,128' />
<!-- 2016-11-27T23:26:46Z -->
<cdl char='万' uni='4E07' variant='1' points='0,4 128,128'>
<stroke type='h' points='0,0 128,0' />
<comp char='' uni='E799' variant='5' points='2,0 98,128' />
<!-- 2016-11-27T23:31:07Z -->
<cdl char='' uni='E799' variant='5' points='0,4 124,128'>
<stroke type='hzg' points='65,40 128,40 105,119 73,107' head='cut' />
<stroke type='wp' points='64,0 0,128' head='cut' tail='long' />
<!-- 2016-11-27T23:23:08Z -->
<!-- variant based on [U+65B9](V=5) -->
<!-- 2016-11-27T23:26:16Z -->
<!-- variant based on [U+4E07](V=1) -->
<!-- 2016-11-27T23:28:45Z -->
<cdl char='𠂉' uni='20089' points='0,16 128,64'>
<stroke type='p' points='34,0 0,128' />
<stroke type='h' points='24,64 128,64' head='cut' />
<cdl char='' uni='EF6D' points='14,0 120,128' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='p' points='100,0 0,28' />
<stroke type='st' points='0,28 0,128 48,108' />
<stroke type='p' points='122,44 66,76' />
<stroke type='n' points='36,24 128,124' head='cut' />
►stroke 旅 (... strokes)
►list characters containing 旅 as a component
►list words containing 旅 (most common words first)
Unicode: U+65C5
►web links for ‘旅’
search web for ‘旅’: ►Google ►GT ►Baidu ►Bing ►Yahoo
The Wenlin Zidian (namespace Zi)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E6%97%85
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