Words containing 間

¹shíjiān* [​] {A} n.time; duration∼ bù zǎo le. ∼不早了。 It's already late.∼ dào le. ∼到了。 Time's up.Xiànzài shì Běijīng ∼ bā diạ̌n zhěng. 现在是北京∼八点整。 It's exactly 8:00 A.M. Beijing time.〈environment:〉 lg. tense
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tíngzhǐ shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
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²tōngjiān To view this entry, please log in
tuōyán shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
wàijiānr To view this entry, please log in
wàijiān wūzi To view this entry, please log in
wǎngluò kōngjiān To view this entry, please log in
wèidáyījiān To view this entry, please log in
wèilái shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
wòpùchē géjiān To view this entry, please log in
wújiàn To view this entry, please log in
wújiànshìfēi To view this entry, please log in
xiāngdié qūjiān To view this entry, please log in
xiānghùjiān To view this entry, please log in
xiānghùjiān bǔchōng To view this entry, please log in
xiānghù zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
xiānghù zuòyòng shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
²xiāngjiàn To view this entry, please log in
xiāngjiān biéshù To view this entry, please log in
xiànjiān To view this entry, please log in
xiànzài shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
xiǎofángjiān To view this entry, please log in
xiǎogéjiān To view this entry, please log in
xiāomó shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
xǐdíjiān To view this entry, please log in
xiězìjiān To view this entry, please log in
¹xījiān To view this entry, please log in
xíjiān* To view this entry, please log in
xíngchē shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
xíngchē shíjiānbiǎo To view this entry, please log in
xíngjìnjiān shèjī To view this entry, please log in
xiūhuìqījiān To view this entry, please log in
xǐ-yìn chējiān To view this entry, please log in
xǐzǎojiān To view this entry, please log in
xuǎnjiān To view this entry, please log in
xúnzhǐjiān To view this entry, please log in
xūyúzhījiān To view this entry, please log in
yángěnghóujiān To view this entry, please log in
yǎngfǔzhījiān To view this entry, please log in
yángjiān* To view this entry, please log in
yàngzijiān To view this entry, please log in
yántán zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
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yāojiān To view this entry, please log in
yèjiānbān To view this entry, please log in
yèjiānbù To view this entry, please log in
yèjiān dàxué To view this entry, please log in
yèjiān xíngjūn To view this entry, please log in
yīchàjiān To view this entry, please log in
yǐ kōngjiān zhēngqǔ shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
yīn de jiànjù To view this entry, please log in
yín'èjiān de To view this entry, please log in
yìngruǎn'èjiān To view this entry, please log in
yíngyè shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
yīshàjiān To view this entry, please log in
yīshà zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
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yīshùn zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
yísì zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
yīyuàn tàipíngjiān To view this entry, please log in
yòngchá shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
yòngjiàn To view this entry, please log in
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yóuxìrénjiān To view this entry, please log in
yǒuyìwúyì zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
yuányīn jiān de To view this entry, please log in
yuēdìng shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
yuèjiān To view this entry, please log in
yuèwài kōngjiān To view this entry, please log in
yùjì dàodá shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
yǔzhòu kōngjiān To view this entry, please log in
zàizhí qījiān To view this entry, please log in
zàocì zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
zǎojiān To view this entry, please log in
zàojiān* To view this entry, please log in
zàopījiān To view this entry, please log in
záyòngjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhǎyǎnjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhèngdāngjiànr To view this entry, please log in
zhěnglǐ fángjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhēngqǔ shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhèngzhōngjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhè qījiān To view this entry, please log in
zhǐchǐzhījiān To view this entry, please log in
zhǐgùjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhǐgùjiānshì To view this entry, please log in
zhǐgù zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
zhìshēnqíjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhíxíng shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhòngbózhījiān To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiān chǎnpǐn To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiān dìdài To view this entry, please log in
¹zhōngjiān fènzǐ To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiān jiēcéng To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiān jiégòu To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiān lìliang To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiān lùxiàn To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiān pànjué To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiānr To view this entry, please log in
¹zhōngjiān rénwù To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiānsè To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiān shìyàn To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiāntǐ To view this entry, please log in
zhōngjiānxìng de yīn To view this entry, please log in
zhǒngjiān zájiāo To view this entry, please log in
zhuāngdìng chējiān To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnniànjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnniàn zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnshùn zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnyǎnjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnyǎn zhījiān To view this entry, please log in
zhuǎnyí shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhùbǎnjiān To view this entry, please log in
zhùgōng chējiān To view this entry, please log in
zhǔnbèi shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
zìjiān jiàngé To view this entry, please log in
zìjiānjù To view this entry, please log in
zìjiānxì To view this entry, please log in
zìkōngjiān To view this entry, please log in
zìxí shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
zǒngshíjiān To view this entry, please log in
zūnshǒu shíjiān To view this entry, please log in
zuòxī shíjiānbiǎo To view this entry, please log in
zūyòng shíjiān To view this entry, please log in

End of list. Total 554 items in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci).