User contributions
- 02:14, 29 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+133) N Ci:70FECC1854692BB5 (Created page with "<WL> py yīpàozǒuhóng char 一炮走红 ser 70FECC1854692BB5 ps (f.e.) df (become famous through a stroke of luck) </WL>")
- 02:12, 29 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+172) N Ci:522F621E793A9618 (Created page with "<WL> py càiniǎo char 菜鸟 ser 522F621E793A9618 ps (n.) df (rookie, newbie. Example: 别问我,我只是菜鸟。Don’t ask me; I’m just a rookie. ) </WL>")
- 02:10, 29 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+146) N Ci:2C2E6983FEA42035 (Created page with "<WL> py bēnsān char 奔三 ser 2C2E6983FEA42035 ps (f.e.) df (almost 30 (years old). Example: 我都奔三了! I’m almost 30!) </WL>")
- 02:08, 29 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+242) N Ci:E146A0F0FAA98AAA (Created page with "<WL> py shāngbuqi char 伤不起 ser E146A0F0FAA98AAA ps (f.e.) df (at rock-bottom, can’t sink any lower. Example: 没有女朋友的男人你伤不起啊。 The...")
- 10:24, 25 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+9) Ci:1016889800
- 10:20, 25 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+178) N Ci:ECD3901B3AB70C91 (Created page with "<WL> py zhǐhuǒguō char 纸火锅 ser ECD3901B3AB70C91 ps (n.) df ("paper hot pot"; food is cooked in boiling broth in a pot lined with specially treated paper) </WL>")
- 10:18, 25 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+181) N Ci:B2189AD02345EDC9 (Created page with "<WL> py zhēnzhū nǎichá char 珍珠奶茶 ser B2189AD02345EDC9 ps (n.) df (bubble tea; a popular Taiwanese flavored milk tea, with tapioca "pearls" for "bubbles")...")
- 10:10, 25 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+147) N Ci:59767F57C51A71FA (Created page with "<WL> py pīnwá char 拼娃 ser 59767F57C51A71FA ps (v.) df (push one's child to compete scholastically against all other children) </WL>")
- 10:06, 25 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+134) N Ci:F370FE9EE62A99F7 (Created page with "<WL> py niúwá char 牛娃 ser F370FE9EE62A99F7 ps (n.) df (child who regularly wins academic competitions at school) </WL>")
- 09:57, 25 July 2019 (diff | hist) (+282) N Ci:B762C226BE5C711F (Created page with "<WL> py jīwá char 鸡娃 ser B762C226BE5C711F ps (n.) df (Internet slang for a child who has been strengthened by being "injected with chicken blood" (figuratively...")
- 02:29, 16 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+6) Ci:B152985C8A45F051
- 02:29, 16 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+2) Ci:E9460C98214B903A
- 02:26, 16 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+180) N Ci:4764639EE8D365D5 (Created page with "<WL> py Méngtèlì'ěr char 蒙特利尔[---爾] ser 4764639EE8D365D5 ps n. df Montreal seealso Mǎndìkě [E9460C98214B903A] seealso Mǎnchéng [B152985C8A45F051]...")
- 02:25, 16 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+188) N Ci:B152985C8A45F051 (Created page with "<WL> py Mǎnchéng char 满城 ser B152985C8A45F051 ps n. df Montreal (short for Mǎndìkě) seealso Méngtèlì'er [4764639EE8D365D5] seealso Mǎndìkě [E9460C9821...")
- 02:25, 16 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+55) Ci:E9460C98214B903A
- 01:53, 16 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+149) N Ci:E9460C98214B903A (Created page with "<WL> py Mǎndìkě char 满地可[滿--] ser E9460C98214B903A ps n. df Cantonese-influenced name for Montreal seealso Méngtèlì'ěr </WL>")
- 19:36, 15 June 2019 (diff | hist) (-9) Ci:69217379AF7EE4AC
- 19:35, 15 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+174) N Ci:4DEA8CA024A2E118 (Created page with "<WL> py biānzhīdài char 编织袋[編織-] ser 4DEA8CA024A2E118 ps n. df woven plastic bag commonly used by migrant workers seealso shépídài [蛇皮袋] </WL>")
- 19:25, 15 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+247) N Ci:5DA0DE5DD919D948 (Created page with "<WL> py huíxiāngdài char 回乡袋[-鄉-] ser 5DA0DE5DD919D948 ps n. df large reusable plastic sack with a tartan weave commonly used by migrant workers traveling...")
- 19:24, 15 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+19) Ci:69217379AF7EE4AC
- 19:17, 15 June 2019 (diff | hist) (+273) N Ci:69217379AF7EE4AC (Created page with "<WL> py shépí dàizi char 蛇皮袋子 ser 69217379AF7EE4AC ps n. df reusable plastic bag with a tartan weave ex Nǎinai názhe shépí dàizi zài càishìchǎng...")