From Wenlin Dictionaries
even though jíshǐ 即使; zòngrán 纵然 (Subentry of:) ►though [ðoʊ] {BE/A} conj. jị̌nguǎn 尽管; suīrán 虽然 ‖ I'll attend the party, ∼ I may be a bit late. Jị̌nguǎn wǒ huì wǎn yī̠diǎnr, kẹ̌ wǒ yị̄dìng huì lái cānjiā zhèige jùhuì. 尽管我会晚一点儿,可我一定会来参加这个聚会。 ◆adv. buguò 不过; kěshì 可是 ‖ I'll visit you tomorrow; I can't stay, ∼. Wǒ míngtiān qù kàn nǐ, buguò wǒ bùnéng dāi zài nǐ nàr. 我明天去看你,不过我不能呆在你那儿。
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The ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (namespace En)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2002351696
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