
From Wenlin Dictionaries

be taken aback dàchīyī̠jīng 大吃一惊 (Subentry of:) ¹take [teɪk] {BE/A} v.t. p.t. (took); p.p. (taken) [took/taken]ná(zǒu) 拿(走); qụ̌(zǒu) 取(走)Who took the book? Shuí bǎ shū názǒu le? 谁把书拿走了?gōngqǔ 攻取; zhànlǐng 占领fúlǔ 俘虏; zhuāzhù 抓住We took many prisoners. Wǒmen fúlǔle hěn duō rén. 我们俘虏了很多人。qǔdé 取得; huòdé 获得xiédài 携带; dàilǐng 带领∼ the child by the hand. Qiānzhe háizi de shǒu. 牵着孩子的手。mǎi 买I'll take the red hat. Wǒ yào mǎi nà dǐng hóng màozi. 我要买那顶红帽子。jiēshòu 接受; chéngdān 承担chī 吃; hē 喝∼ more soup, please. Zài lái diǎnr tāng ba. 再来点儿汤吧。hàofèi 耗费; xūyào 需要It will ∼ ten thousand dollars to finish the job. Wánchéng zhè xiàng gōngzuò děi yào yị̄wàn Měiyuán. 完成这项工作得要一万美元。dāchéng 搭乘I ∼ bus to work. Wǒ zuòchē qù shàngbān. 我坐车去上班。lị̌jiě 理解; yǐwéi 以为This is how I took it. Wǒ shì zhème lị̌jiě de. 我是这么理解的。tīngcóng (quàngào) 听从(劝告)jìlù 记录; jìxià 记下chǎnshēng 产生; xíngchéng 形成cạ̌iqǔ 采取I took the shortest way home. Wǒ zǒu zuì jìn de lù huíjiā. 我走最近的路回家。jiùzhí 就职He took office last month. Tā shànggeyuè zhèngshì jiùrèn. 他上个月正式就任。
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