
From Wenlin Dictionaries

keep sb. from doing sth. fángzhǐ//zụ̌zhǐ mǒurén zuò mǒushì 防止//阻止某人做某事We must keep them from leaking our secrets. Wǒmen děi fángzhǐ tāmen bǎ mìmì shuō chūqu. 我们得防止他们把秘密说出去。 (Subentry of:) ¹keep [kiːp] {A} p.t., p.p. (kept) [kept] v.t.bǎochí 保持; wéichí 维持bǎocún 保存∼ the change. Língqián béng zhǎo le. 零钱甭找了。lǚxíng 履行; zūnshǒu 遵守liúzhù 留住jì rìjì huò jìzhàng 记日记或记帐Do you ∼ a diary? Nǐ jì rìjì ma? 你记日记吗?v.i.bǎochí 保持; jìxù 继续Be careful to ∼ within the law. Yào zhùyì zài fǎlǜ fànwéi nèi xíngshì. 要注意在法律范围内行事。(shíwù) bǎochí bụ̀ huài (食物)保持不坏This food ∼s well. i. Zhè zhǒng shípǐn bụ̀ huì huài. 这种食品不会坏。 ii. Zhè zhǒng shípǐn bǎoxiān qī hěn cháng. 这种食品保鲜期很长。
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