
From Wenlin Dictionaries

there be yǒu (zhǐ cúnzài) 有(指存在) (Subentry of:) ²be [biː] {BE/A} aux.biǎoshì jìnxíngshì 表示进行式I'm working now. Wǒ zài gōngzuò. 我在工作。biǎoshì céngjīng jīnglìguo 表示曾经经历过I've been an interpreter before. Wǒ dāngguo fānyì. 我当过翻译。biǎoshì zhízé 表示职责You are to help him with his assignment. Nǐ děi bāng tā wánchéng rènwu. 你得帮他完成任务。biǎoshì yuēdìng 表示约定We are to meet at the movie theater. Wǒmen yuēhǎole zài diànyǐngyuàn jiàn. 我们约好了在电影院见。biǎoshì bèidòng 表示被动The politician was assassinated. Zhèngkè bèi ànshā le. 政客被暗杀了。
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The ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (namespace En)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2001816550
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