
From Wenlin Dictionaries

as it is shìshíshang 事实上; shíjìshang 实际上 (Subentry of:) as [æz/əz] {BE/A} prep. zuòwéi 作为; xiàng 像He's dressed ∼ a policeman. Tā chuān de xiàng ge jǐngchá. 他穿得像个警察。adv. tóngyàng de 同样地conj.zài ... de shíhou 在…的时候I saw him ∼ I was leaving. Wǒ zǒu de shíhou kànjian tā le. 我走的时候看见他了。yóuyú 由于; suīrán 虽然I'll have to cancel my talk ∼ I'm not ready yet. Wọ̌ děi qǔxiāo wǒ de jiǎngzuò, yīnwèi wǒ hái méi zhǔnbèi hǎo. 我得取消我的讲座, 因为我还没准备好。ànzhào 按照Do ∼ I say. Àn wǒ shuō de qù zuò. 按我说的去做。
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The ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (namespace En)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2001804621
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