
From Wenlin Dictionaries

other [ˈʌðər] {BE/A} adj. lìngwài de 另外的; qítā de 其它的pr./n.u. lìngwài//qítā de rén/wù 另外//其它的人/物 other than bùtóng yú 不同于The reality is other than you think. Xiànshí gēn nị̌ xiǎng de bù yị̄yàng. 现实跟你想的不一样。 other things being equal rúguǒ qítā qíngxing dōu yị̄yàng 如果其它情形都一样 among others qízhōng bāokuò 其中包括 each other hùxiāng 互相; bị̌cǐ 彼此 every other měi gé yị̄ ge de 每隔一个的I go swimming every other day. Wọ̌ měi gé yī̠ tiān qù yóuyǒng. 我每隔一天去游泳。 none other than zhèngshì 正是 one after the other yị̄ ge jiē yị̄ ge de 一个接一个地 the other day jǐ tiān qián 几天前
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The ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (namespace En)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2000985470
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