
From Wenlin Dictionaries

now [naʊ] {BE/A} adv.xiànzài 现在; mùqián 目前mǎshàng 马上 now and again bùshí de 不时地 now and then yǒushí 有时 as of nowyǎnxià 眼下cóngcǐ 从此; jīnhòu 今后 by now dào xiànzài 到现在 for now mùqián 目前 from now on cóng xiànzài qǐ 从现在起 just now gāngcái 刚才 up to now zhídào xiànzài 直到现在
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The ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (namespace En)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2000954028
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