Ci talk:1013413611

From Wenlin Dictionaries

Dictionaries say it's a net used to catch fish or other animals. Also, figuratively, the net of justice (法网). See, for example,

I can't find anything to corroborate "string bag". Richwarm (talk) 23:42, 30 May 2018 (UTC)

Searching the dicts for "string bag" finds four items in CE 络子, 网袋, 网兜, 网罟, which refer to a kind of mesh shopping/laundry/etc bag (or lightweight purse/backpack) made out of nylon netting or loose-weave fabric, with drawstring, a.k.a. 魚網袋 'fishnet bag' (一種購物袋,由幾條繩子綁在一起製成,每條繩子之間留有空隙) <词典/英语-汉语-繁体/string-bag>

In this case 网罟 'string bag' and such (with or without 袋/兜) seem to be an extended meaning, related to nets like the purse seine fishing net <>, drawn closed with drawstring; there are also hunting traps of this sort, lain on the ground and triggered to close by deadfall or spring (rather than thrown/dropped over the prey).

HDC does not give a 'string bag' gloss (as expected); as a modern extended meaning, 网罟 'string bag' may not be in general use today, 罟 itself has very limited modern usage (only two ABC entries), suggesting this is a dialect word; as usual, ABC gives extended meanings, often ignoring primary/obvious meanings. I'll add those ("en wr." from HDC) in this case.

网罟 is also found in 网罟座 'Reticulum' (southern hemisphere constellation name) ... not yet in CE.

Rscook (talk)