Ci talk:1003724475
I don't think "sublet" is correct.
Here is the Oxford Dictionaries definition of "sublet":
sublet : lease (a property) to a subtenant. [1]
Here is one of Oxford's examples for "sublet":
"In the event, they stayed in the hostel for just three nights because they discovered that a small house had become available nearby in a tiny street of picturesque old houses called Little St Mary's Lane. Less that a hundred yards from the DAMTP, it suited them perfectly. The house was owned by one of the other Cambridge colleges, which had let it to one of its fellows. He had now bought and moved into a larger house in the suburbs, and agreed to sublet the property for the remaining three months of his lease." — from "Stephen Hawking: A Life in Science"
From this example it's clear that one can sublet an entire property. 分租, on the other hand, as the character 分 implies, necessarily involves dividing the property.
Furthermore, 分租 is something a property owner may do, as the following definitions state, whereas subletting to a subtenant can only be done by a tenant.
Chinese definitions of 分租
房東將一幢房子的幾個房間或一個房間中的幾個床位分別租給不同的住戶。 [3]
分租,房主将一套房子分割租给不同的人 [4]
A Chinese term that does precisely mean "sublet" is 转租. It is defined as
GF ~ (動) 把租來的東西轉手租給別人。
HDC ~ 把自己租来的东西租给别人。Example: 一些人租买摊位的目的不是为了做生意,而是为了转卖或转租。
租户将租用的房子再租给其他人 [5]
分租 also means "sharecropping".
分租 : 地主與佃農依一定的比率分配生產物以代替租金的制度。如地主與佃農對分、業六佃四、業七佃三等。 [6]
FAO Glossary: 分租/分成租 Métayage system / sharecropping / share tenancy [7]