Ci talk:1000921466
From Wenlin Dictionaries
I wonder whether it can mean "obsolete". I don't find examples of that.
不健全的公司在市場機制下淘汰, Unhealthy companies were weeded out by the mechanism of the market,
不健全的金融商品相繼推出, unsound financial products are appearing constantly
有人逃離功能不健全的家庭,Some young people run away because their home is not functioning in a healthy way,
這些孩子多數出身在破碎不健全的家庭, He says most of them come from broken homes,
他說,不健全的文創環境,澆熄了旅外設計者的返鄉意願。 Hsu adds that the absence of a sound environment for cultural and creative industries undermines the willingness of Taiwanese designers living overseas to return home.