Ci talk:1000116366

From Wenlin Dictionaries

"hover" means "remain in one place in the air" but dictionaries say, for example, that 翱翔 means:(鳥)​回旋地飛。

The 1978 ACE definition was "hover; soar" and dictionaries that copied extensively from ACE have continued to use "hover", but I think it's wrong.

Some examples from Taiwan Panorama:

因為擁有長長的雙翼,最適合在大洋上翱翔,Their long wings are especially suited to circling high over the ocean.

寫作也是她保持身心平衡與心靈翱翔的救命浮木。Writing gave her an escape and let her spirit soar free.

從小就把孩子綁死,長大怎麼有信心去翱翔? If children are straitjacketed, how will they ever gain the confidence to soar when they grow up?

The figurative usage in the last two examples doesn't make much sense if 翱翔 means "hover".

Richwarm (talk) 07:51, 23 January 2018 (UTC)