¹take [teɪk] {BE/A} v.t. p.t. (took); p.p. (taken) [took/taken] ①ná(zǒu) 拿(走); qụ̌(zǒu) 取(走) ‖ Who took the book? Shuí bǎ shū názǒu le? 谁把书拿走了? ②gōngqǔ 攻取; zhànlǐng 占领 ③fúlǔ 俘虏; zhuāzhù 抓住 ‖ We took many prisoners. Wǒmen fúlǔle hěn duō rén. 我们俘虏了很多人。 ④qǔdé 取得; huòdé 获得 ⑤xiédài 携带; dàilǐng 带领 ‖ ∼ the child by the hand. Qiānzhe háizi de shǒu. 牵着孩子的手。 ⑥mǎi 买 ‖ I'll take the red hat. Wǒ yào mǎi nà dǐng hóng màozi. 我要买那顶红帽子。 ⑦jiēshòu 接受; chéngdān 承担 ⑧chī 吃; hē 喝 ‖ ∼ more soup, please. Zài lái diǎnr tāng ba. 再来点儿汤吧。 ⑨hàofèi 耗费; xūyào 需要 ‖ It will ∼ ten thousand dollars to finish the job. Wánchéng zhè xiàng gōngzuò děi yào yị̄wàn Měiyuán. 完成这项工作得要一万美元。 ⑩dāchéng 搭乘 ‖ I ∼ bus to work. Wǒ zuòchē qù shàngbān. 我坐车去上班。 ⑪lị̌jiě 理解; yǐwéi 以为 ‖ This is how I took it. Wǒ shì zhème lị̌jiě de. 我是这么理解的。 ⑫tīngcóng (quàngào) 听从(劝告) ⑬jìlù 记录; jìxià 记下 ⑭chǎnshēng 产生; xíngchéng 形成 ⑮cạ̌iqǔ 采取 ‖ I took the shortest way home. Wǒ zǒu zuì jìn de lù huíjiā. 我走最近的路回家。 ⑯jiùzhí 就职 ‖ He took office last month. Tā shànggeyuè zhèngshì jiùrèn. 他上个月正式就任。 ►take a break xiūxi yị̄huìr 休息一会儿 ‖ Take a break from your work. Nǐ gōngzuò zhōngjiān xiūxi huǐr. 你工作中间休息会儿。 ►take after zhǎng de hěn xiàng 长得很像 ‖ The child takes after his father. Zhè háizi zhǎng de xiàng tā bà. 这孩子长得像他爸。 ►take apart ①chāikāi 拆开 ②pōuxī 剖析 ►take away ①názǒu 拿走 ②xuēruò 削弱; xiāochú 消除 ‖ They are scheming to take away the foreign minister's power. Tāmen zài cèhuà xuēruò wàijiāo bùzhǎng de quánlì. 他们在策划削弱外交部长的权力。 ►take back ná/shōuhuí 拿/收回 ►take for rènwéi shì 认为是 ‖ I take him for a student. Wọ̌ yǐwéi tā shì xuésheng ne. 我以为他是学生呢。 ►take-home pay n.u. shí dé gōngzī 实得工资 ►take in ①jiēshòu 接受 ②qīpiàn 欺骗 ‖ A lot of people were taken in by the con man. Hěn duō rén dōu bèi zhège piànzi piàn le. 很多人都被这个骗子骗了。 ►take it easy mànmàn lái 慢慢来; cóngróng de zuò 从容地做 ‖ I'm taking it easy after my illness. Bìng hòu wǒ bụ̀ nàme wánrmìng le. 病后我不那么玩儿命了。 ►take it for granted xiǎngdāngrán 想当然 ‖ You must not take it for granted that everyone will agree with you. Nǐ bùnéng xiǎngdāngrán de rènwéi biéren dōu huì tóngyì nǐ de guāndiǎn. 你不能想当然地认为别人都会同意你的观点。 ►take it from me xiāngxìn wǒ 相信我 ►take it or leave it méiyǒu tǎojiàhuánjià de yúdì 没有讨价还价的余地 ►take it out on sb. ná mǒurén chūqì 拿某人出气 ‖ The boss took out his frustration on the employees. Lạ̌obǎn bǎ qì chū zàile yuángōng shēnshang. 老板把气出在了员工身上。 ►take off [*] ①náxià 拿下; qǔ xià 取下 ②qǐfēi 起飞 ‖ The plane took off on time. Fēijī zhǔnshí qǐfēi. 飞机准时起飞。 ③tuō (yīfu) 脱(衣服) ‖ I went to bed without taking off my clothes. Wǒ méi tuō yīfu jiù shuì le. 我没脱衣服就睡了。 ④yǒu jìnzhǎn 有进展 ‖ Our business really took off in the summer. Wǒmen de shēngyi zài xiàtiān zhēnzhèng kāishǐ qǐfēi le. 我们的生意在夏天真正开始起飞了。 ►takeoff [ˈteɪˌkɑf] n.c. ①qǐfēi 起飞 ②chūfādiǎn 出发点 ►take on ①gùyòng 雇用 ②chéngdān 承担 ‖ I was asked to take on an important job. Wǒ bèi yāoqǐng chéngdān yị̄ xiàng zhòngyào de gōngzuò. 我被邀请承担一项重要的工作。 ③liúxíng 流行 ►take out [*] ①náchū 拿出 ②xiāomiè 消灭; qùdiào 去掉 ‖ Please take out the stains in my shirt. Qị̌ng bạ̌ wǒ chènshān shàng de wūjì qùdiào. 请把我衬衫上的污迹去掉。 ③kòuchú 扣除 ‖ The medical insurance is taken out of my salary. Yīliáo bạ̌oxiǎn cóng wǒ gōngzī lǐ zhíjiē kòuchú le. 医疗保险从我工资里直接扣除了。 ④dài ... chūqu 带…出去 ⑤fāxiè 发泄 ⑥qǔdé 取得 ⑦chūfā 出发 ►takeout [ˈteɪˌkaʊt] n.u. wàimài 外卖 ►takeout counter n.c. wàimài guìtái 外卖柜台 ►take over [*] ①jiēguǎn 接管 ②liúxíng 流行 ►takeover [ˈteɪˌkoʊvər] n.u. jiēshōu 接收; jiēguǎn 接管 ►take to ①kāishǐ (zuò) 开始(做) ‖ He took to drinking heavily after losing his job. Shīyè hòu tā kāishǐ xùjiǔ. 失业后他开始酗酒。 ②xǐhuan 喜欢 ‖ Everybody takes to that little girl. Suọ̌yǒu de rén dōu xǐhuan nàge xiạ̌o nǚháir. 所有的人都喜欢那个小女孩儿。 ③yǎngchéng (xíguàn) 养成(习惯) ④qiúzhù yú 求助于 ►take up ①zhuóshǒu chụ̌lǐ 着手处理 ‖ The government will take up that problem soon. Zhèngfǔ jiāng huì hěn kuài zhuóshǒu chụ̌lǐ nàge wèntí. 政府将会很快着手处理那个问题。 ②cǎinà 采纳; jiēshòu 接受 ‖ The PR committee has taken up my suggestion. Gōngguān wěiyuánhuì cǎinàle wǒ de jiànyì. 公关委员会采纳了我的建议。 ③zhànyòng (shíjiān, jīnglì, dd.) 占用(时间、精力、等等) ‖ Translation takes up so much of my time. Fānyì zhànyòngle wọ̌ hěn duō shíjiān. 翻译占用了我很多时间。 ►take upon oneself zhǔdòng chéngdān 主动承担 ►be taken aback dàchīyī̠jīng 大吃一惊
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