Ci talk:1011625804

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Revision as of 23:16, 15 September 2019 by Richwarm (talk | contribs) (product used for the purposes of demonstration)
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示范产品 seems to be a product used for the purposes of demonstration rather than the demonstration itself.


1) 本網站上的示範產品僅用於演示,不作銷售

2) 在5月31日- 6月6日于拉斯维加斯举行的国际电子元器件及技术会议(ECTC)上,肖特将展示各种基于不同材料和工艺技术(220号展位)的示范产品。

3) 今天在 CEATEC 现场我们看到的,是由村田(Murata)提供超音波「喇叭」的示范产品,它的原理是由超音波喇叭放出声波后,如果打到物体的话,会有回音被机器的麦克风接收到。

Richwarm (talk) 23:16, 15 September 2019 (UTC)