Ci talk:1007238203
(1) The name is Kuder, not Kader. See
(2) I can't imagine where 查理德 comes from. It certainly doesn't match "Richardson". Even rearranging it as 理查德, it doesn't quite match "Richardson".
(3) Google can find only one webpage containing 库德尔查理德. However, there are 220 results for 库德-理查森信度. And there are a similar number of Google results for the term 库理信度, which is evidently an abbreviation for 库德-理查森信度. Examples: 库理信度Kuder-Richardson reliability. 库德和理查森1937年设计的一种分析项目间一致性,以估计信度的方法。 库得─理查森信度(Kuder─Richardson) 库德-理查森信度适用于计算“对或错”的是非题的同质性信度,其是计算所有可能的分半信度的平均数。
(4) Summing up: Kader is wrong (should be "Kuder") and 库德尔查理德 appears to be wrong (should be 库德-理查森信度 or, in abbreviated form, 库理信度). Richwarm (talk) 06:59, 21 February 2018 (UTC)