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¹huì* [​] {A} v.get together; assemblemeet; seeunderstand; graspNǐ ∼ ma? 你∼吗? Do you know how?pay/foot a billaux.can; be able toWǒ huì yòng kuàizi. 我会用筷子。 I can use good at; be skillful inbe likely/sure toTā ∼ lái de. 他∼来的。 He will come.n.meeting; gathering; party; get-together; conferenceassociation; society; uniontemple fairmutual loan clubb.f.chief city; capital ►shěnghuì 省会opportunity; occasion ►¹jīhuì 机会〈environment:〉 coll. a while; a little while ►yị̄huì(r) 一会 See also ³huǐ See also ⁴kuài
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