Ci talk:1014899457
From Wenlin Dictionaries
Rationale for adding "show" as a definition
I was looking for how to say "show" in Chinese, as in The Tonight Show or The Daily Show. I kept seeing 秀 at the ends of the Chinese translations and decided this must be a way of translating the word. Here are some examples:
- 今夜秀: The Tonight Show - Baidu Baike
- 每日秀: The Daily Show - Wikipedia
Also lots of hits for both on Google. --Lemuel (talk) 05:10, 19 August 2018 (UTC)
The following dictionary entry tells us that it's a loanword from English, as one might well guess. The examples imply that 秀 is used rather more widely than in the titles of TV shows ("The ... Show").
秀 ~ 2. 表演。(英show)例 「作秀」、「脫口秀」、「時裝秀」。
ABC entries:
脱口秀[脫--] tuōkǒuxiù n. 〈loan〉 talk show
秀期 xiùqī n. 〈thea.〉 showtime
作秀 zuòxiù v.o. 〈TW/loan〉 ①show off ②appear in a stage show ③grandstand