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From Wenlin Dictionaries
(Created page with "<WL> py shāngbuqi char 伤不起 ser E146A0F0FAA98AAA ps (f.e.) df (at rock-bottom, can’t sink any lower. Example: 没有女朋友的男人你伤不起啊。 The...")
(fix banding)
Line 1: Line 1:
py  shāngbuqi  
py  shāngbuqi  
char  伤不起
char  伤不起[傷--]
ser  E146A0F0FAA98AAA
ser  E146A0F0FAA98AAA
ps  (f.e.)
ps  id.
df  (at rock-bottom, can’t sink any lower. Example: 没有女朋友的男人你伤不起啊。 There’s no-one more pitiful than a guy without a girlfriend. )
df  at rock-bottom; can't sink any lower; pitiful
ex  Méiyǒu nǚpéngyǒu de nánrén nǐ shāngbùqǐ'a.
hz  没有女朋友的男人你伤不起啊。
tr  There’s no-one more pitiful than a guy without a girlfriend.

Revision as of 04:51, 29 July 2019

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The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Ci:E146A0F0FAA98AAA
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