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ref  8572
ref  8572
1ps  inf.
1ps  inf.
1psx  used in r.v.
1psx  [en] used in r.v.
1psx  [fr] utilisé avec les verbes résultatifs
1ex  kàn∼jiàn
1ex  kàn∼jiàn
1hz  看∼见
1hz  看∼见
1tr  able to see
1tr  [en] able to see
1tr  [fr] capable de voir
2ps  s.p.
2ps  s.p.
2psx  used to link a verb and the manner clause that follows it
2psx  [en] used to link a verb and the manner clause that follows it
2psx  [fr] utilisé pour lier un verbe au complément de manière qui le suit
21ex  shuō ∼ kuài
21ex  shuō ∼ kuài
21hz  说∼快
21hz  说∼快
21tr  speak quickly
21tr  [en] speak quickly
21tr  [fr] parler rapidement
22ex  dà ∼ nábudòng
22ex  dà ∼ nábudòng
22hz  大∼拿不动
22hz  大∼拿不动
22tr  so big that it can't be moved
22tr  [en] so big that it can't be moved
22tr  [fr] si gros qu'il ne peut être déplacé
rem@TB2002.10  Added a.m., removed cons.
rem@TB2002.10  Added a.m., removed cons.
3ps  cmp.
3ps  cmp.
3psx  potential complement
3psx  [en] potential complement
3psx  [fr] complément potentiel
3ex  Tā hǎo le, xiànzài chī∼ le.
3ex  Tā hǎo le, xiànzài chī∼ le.
3hz  他好了, 现在吃∼了。
3hz  他好了, 现在吃∼了。
3tr  He's well again and can eat now.
3tr  [en] He's well again and can eat now.
3tr  [fr] Il va mieux et peut de nouveau manger.
rem  3ps cons.
rem  3ps cons.
rem  3cons s.v. ∼
rem  3cons s.v. ∼
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hh  ¹dé [1002508580]
hh  ¹dé [1002508580]
hh  děi [1002514788]
hh  děi [1002514788]
freq  1971.4 [XHPC:3563]</WL>
freq  1971.4 [XHPC:3563]

Latest revision as of 23:28, 1 June 2016

³de {A} inf. (used in r.v.)kàn∼jiàn 看∼见 able to sees.p. (used to link a verb and the manner clause that follows it)shuō ∼ kuài 说∼快 speak quicklydà ∼ nábudòng 大∼拿不动 so big that it can't be movedcmp. (potential complement)Tā hǎo le, xiànzài chī∼ le. 他好了, 现在吃∼了。 He's well again and can eat now. See also ¹dé See also děi
1971.4 [XHPC:3563] average occurrences per million characters of text
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The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Ci:1002508483
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