
From Wenlin Dictionaries

¹have [hæv] {BE/A} v.yǒu 有; yōngyǒu 拥有He has a lot of friends. Tā yọ̌u hěn duō péngyou. 他有很多朋友。chī 吃; hē 喝What shall we ∼ for dinner? Wǒmen wǎnfàn chī shénme? 我们晚饭吃什么?shōudào 收到; dédào 得到I had a lot of help from him. Wǒ cóng tā nàr dédào tā hěn duō bāngzhù. 我从他那儿得到他很多帮助。shēngbìng 生病; shòushāng 受伤He has a fever. Tā fāshāo le. 他发烧了。fàngzhì 放置I can't ∼ my computer here because there's no space. Wǒ bùnéng bạ̌ wǒ de diànnǎo fàng zài zhèr, yīnwèi zhèr méidìr le. 我不能把我的电脑放在这儿,因为这儿没地儿了。shàngkè 上课; kāihuì 开会I ∼ two classes in the morning. Wǒ shàngwǔ yọ̌u liǎng jié kè. 我上午有两节课。mài 卖The store has the best line of clothing. Zhè ge diàn de yīfu zuìhǎo. 这个店的衣服最好。shǐ 使; ràng 让; jiào 叫Please ∼ the computer fixed tomorrow. Qǐng ràng rén míngtiān bǎ diànnǎo xiūhǎo. 请让人明天把电脑修好。 have better zuìhǎo 最好You'd better tell him the truth. Nǐ zuìhạ̌o bǎ zhēnxiàng gàosu tā. 你最好把真相告诉他。 have got yǒu 有; yōngyǒu 拥有 have had itshòugòule 受够了méi xīwàng le 没希望了 have to bùdébù 不得不; bìxū 必须
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The ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (namespace En)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2000633604
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