
From Wenlin Dictionaries

visit [ˈvɪzɪt] {A} v.i. fǎngwèn 访问; cānguān 参观; yóulǎn 游览v.t.fǎngwèn 访问; cānguān 参观; yóulǎn 游览I plan to ∼ China next summer. Wǒ jìhuà míngnián xiàtiān qù Zhōngguó. 我计划明年夏天去中国。bàifǎng 拜访; kànwàng 看望Shall we go and ∼ him on the weekend? Zánmen zhōumò qù kànkan tā, hǎo ma? 咱们周末去看看他,好吗?xúnshì 巡视; shìchá 视察chūzhěn 出诊n.c.fǎngwèn 访问; cānguān 参观bàifǎng 拜访; kànwàng 看望I'd like to pay a ∼ to my old professor. Wọ̌ xiǎng qù bàifǎng yị̄xià wǒ de lǎo jiàoshòu. 我想去拜访一下我的老教授。shìchá 视察 visitor {A} n.c.fǎngwènzhě 访问者; láibīn 来宾yóukè 游客
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The ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (namespace En)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2001662895
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