
From Wenlin Dictionaries

against [əˈgɛnst] {BE/A} prep.nì 逆; fǎnzhe 反着The ship is sailing ∼ the wind. Chuán zài nìfēng xíngshǐ. 船在逆风行驶。fǎnduì 反对; wéifǎn 违反I'm neither for nor ∼ him. Duì tā, wǒ jì bụ̀ zànchéng yě bù fǎnduì. 对他,我既不赞成也不反对。kàozhe 靠着; yǐzhe 倚着The man was leaning ∼ the door. Nà rén bèi kàozhe mén zhànzhe. 那人背靠着门站着。duìbǐ 对比; chèntuō 衬托fángbèi 防备; dǐyù 抵御Are flu shots effective ∼ flu? Liúgǎn yùfángzhēn guǎnyòng ma? 流感预防针管用吗?hé ... jìngzhēng 和…竞争Our team will be playing ∼ the champion tomorrow. Wǒmen duì míngtiān hé guànjūn duì bǐsài. 我们队明天和冠军队比赛。āizhe 挨着Our building is right ∼ the stadium. Wǒmen de lóu jǐn'āizhe tǐyùguǎn. 我们的楼紧挨着体育馆。
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The ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (namespace En)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2000020485
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