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togetherness n.u. yǒuqíng 友情; hémù 和睦 (Subentry of:) together [təˈgɛðər] {BE/A} adv.jíhé de 集合地Call everyone ∼ for a meeting. Bǎ dàjiā zhàojí qǐlai kāihuì. 把大家召集起来开会。gòngtóng 共同; yī̠qǐ 一起Let's all work ∼. Zánmen lái yị̄kuàir gàn. 咱们来一块儿干。tóngshí 同时The two projects started ∼. Zhè liǎng ge xiàngmù shì tóngshí kāishǐ de. 这两个项目是同时开始的。adj. yǒu zìzhìlì de 有自制力的; qíngxù wěndìng de 情绪稳定的
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to goshèngxià de 剩下的I have 3 pages to go. Wǒ háiyǒu sān yè jiù kànwán le. 我还有三页就看完了。wàimài de 外卖的I'd like an order of hot and sour soup to go. Wǒ yào yị̄ fèn suānlàtāng dàizǒu. 我要一份酸辣汤带走。 (Subentry of:) ¹go [goʊ] {BE/A} v.i. 3rd pers.sing. (goes); p.t. (went); p.p. (gone) [goes/went/gone](proceed to) qù 去; líqù 离去∼ shopping qù mǎi dōngxi 去买东西∼ home huíjiā 回家(move; operate) zǒu 走; shǐ 驶; yùnzhuǎn 运转My watch isn't ∼ing. Wǒ de biǎo bù zǒu le. 我的表不走了。(attain; reach to) tōngdào 通到; dádào 达到This road ∼es to New York. Zhè tiáo lù tōngdào Niǔyuē. 这条路通到纽约。(belong; place) guī 归; shǔ 属; fàngzhì 放置The cabinet ∼es in the corner. Bǎ guìzi fàng zài jiǎoluò li. 把柜子放在角落里。(deteriorate)xiāoshī 消失; shuāituì 衰退His sight is ∼ing. Tā de shìlì zhèngzài shuāituì. 他的视力正在衰退。kuǎ 垮; wánjié 完结(become) biànchéng 变成; chéngwéi 成为The meat has gone bad. Ròu huài le. 肉坏了。(be authoritative) yǒuxiào 有效; yǒu quánwēixìng 有权威性What she says ∼es. Tā shuōlesuàn. 她说了算。(be compatible) héxié 和谐; xiāngchèn 相称Your scarf doesn't ∼ with your blouse. Nǐ de wéijīn hé chènyī bụ̀pèi. 你的围巾和衬衣不配。(accommodate) róng de xià 容得下Your clothes won't ∼ into this suitcase. Zhèi xiāngzi fàngbuxià nǐ de yīfu. 这箱子放不下你的衣服。(wear well; last) jīngyòng 经用; chíjiǔ 持久A dollar doesn't ∼ far now. Yǎnxià yī̠ Měiyuán mǎibuliǎo duōshǎo dōngxi. 眼下一美元买不了多少东西。(seek help) qiúzhù 求助If you need advice, ∼ to your uncle. Xūyào rén chū zhǔyi dehuà, qù zhạ̌o nǐ shūshu. 需要人出主意的话,去找你叔叔。∼ to the dictionary chá zìdiǎn 查字典(attend; participate in (school, work, etc.)) shàngxué, shàngbān, dd. 上学、上班、等等∼ to school shàngxué 上学
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tomorrow [təˈmɑroʊ] {BE/A} adv. zài míngtiān 在明天n.u.míngtiān 明天wèilái 未来 Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. Jīnrì shì jīnrì zuò. 今日事今日做。 like there's no tomorrow bụ̀ gù yị̄qiè de 不顾一切地
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