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►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗? ►put across biǎodá 表达 ‖ I don't know how to put across these ideas. Wǒ bù zhīdao rúhé biǎodá zhèxiē xiạ̌ngfa. 我不知道如何表达这些想法。 ►put aside ①bǎ ... fàng zài yī̠biān 把…放在一边 ②bùyǔ kǎolǜ 不予考虑 ‖ Let's put this matter aside for the time being. Zánmen xiān zànshí bǎ zhè jiàn shì fàng yị̄ fàng. 咱们先暂时把这件事放一放。 ③bèiyòng 备用 ►put back ①fànghuí yuánchù 放回原处 ②xiàng hòu yí 向后移 ③tuīchí 推迟 ►put behind 〈environment:〉 fig.[喻] xiàng qián kàn 向前看; shuǎidiào bāofu 甩掉包袱 ‖ I must put behind me all the bad experiences. Wọ̌ děi wàngdiào nàxiē guòqù de zāogāo jīnglì. 我得忘掉那些过去的糟糕经历。 ►put by ①bǎ ... fàng zài yī̠biān 把…放在一边 ②bèiyòng 备用 ►put down [ˌpʊtˈdaʊn] ①fàngxia 放下 ②zhènyā 镇压 ‖ The government has put down the rebellion. Zhèngfǔ bǎ bàoluàn zhènyā xiàqu le. 政府把暴乱镇压下去了。 ③xiěxià 写下; jìxià 记下 ④biǎndī 贬低; xiūrǔ 羞辱 ‖ You are wrong in putting him down. Nị̌ biǎndī tā shì cuòwù de. 你贬低他是错误的。 ►put-down [ˈpʊtˌdaʊn] n.sing. biǎndī 贬低; biạ̌nsǔn 贬损 ►put forth ①tíchū 提出 ②chuánbō 传播 ►put forward ①tíchū 提出; jiànyì 建议 ‖ I'd like to put forward a different proposal. Wọ̌ xiǎng tíchū yị̄ ge wánquán bùtóng de jiànyì. 我想提出一个完全不同的建议。 ②bǎ ... tíqián 把…提前 ►put in ①fàngjìn 放进 ②tíjiāo 提交; tíchū 提出 ‖ I've put in an application. Wọ̌ yǐjing jiāole shēnqǐng. 我已经交了申请。 ③fùchū 付出; huāfèi (shíjiān, jīnglì, dd.) 花费(时间、精力、等等) ‖ I put in a lot of time on this project. Wǒ zài zhège xiàngmù shang huāle hěn duō shíjiān. 我在这个项目上花了很多时间。 ►put into ①bǎ ... fàngjìn 把…放进 ②shǐ jìnrù ... zhuàngtài 使进入…状态 ③fānyì chéng 翻译成 ►put off ①yánqī 延期; tuōyán 拖延 ‖ Let's put off the meeting until next week. Zánmen bǎ huì yán dào xiàzhōu ba. 咱们把会延到下周吧。 ②tángsè 搪塞 ③tuō (yīfu) 脱(衣服); qùdiào 去掉 ④shị̌ tǎoyàn 使讨厌; shǐ bù gǎn xìngqù 使不感兴趣 ‖ His behavior puts people off. Tā de xíngwéi ràng rén tǎoyàn. 他的行为让人讨厌。 ►put on [ˌpʊtˈɑn] ①bǎ ... fàng zài ... shang 把…放在…上 ②chuānshang 穿上; dàishang 戴上; mǒshang 抹上 ‖ Put on your hat. Dàishang màozi. 戴上帽子。 ③zēngjiā 增加 ④shàngyǎn 上演 ⑤shījiā 施加 ‖ The government has put more pressure on its opponents. Zhèngfǔ duì fǎnduìpài shījiāle gèng dà de yālì. 政府对反对派施加了更大的压力。 ►put-on [ˈpʊtˈɑn] n.c. ①qīpiàn 欺骗; piànjú 骗局 ②mófǎng jù 模仿剧 ‖ The skit is a put-on of presidential activities. Zhèige xiạ̌opǐn mófǎng zọ̌ngtǒng de huódòng. 这个小品模仿总统的活动。 ►put on airs bǎi jiàzi 摆架子 ►put out ①bǎichū 摆出 ②shēngchǎn 生产 ③fābù 发布 ‖ The government has put out another warning against drunk driving. Zhèngfǔ zàicì fāchū jǐnggào bùxǔ jiǔhòu kāichē. 政府再次发出警告不许酒后开车。 ④xīmiè 熄灭; guāndiào 关掉 ⑤shǐ bù'ān 使不安 ►put sb. up to (doing) sth. 〈environment:〉 inform.[口] sọ̌ngyǒng 怂恿; suōshǐ 唆使 ‖ Who put him up to doing this? Shuí ràng tā gàn de? 谁让他干的? ►put through ①shǐ chuānguò 使穿过 ②zuòchéng 做成 ③jiētōng diànhuà 接通电话 ‖ Please put me through to room 221. Qǐng jiē èr èr yī fángjiān. 请接二二一房间。 ►put together ①bǎ ... fàng zài yī̠qǐ 把…放在一起 ②biānzhuàn 编撰; zǔhé 组合 ►put up [ˌpʊtˈʌp] ①jụ̌qǐ 举起; táiqǐ 抬起 ②tígāo 提高; táigāo 抬高 ③tímíng 提名 ④tígōng shí-sù 提供食宿; jiēdài 接待 ‖ They will put us up at a hotel. Tāmen huì bạ̌ wǒmen ānpái zài lụ̈̌guǎn zhù. 他们会把我们安排在旅馆住。 ⑤dā 搭; jiànzào 建造 ⑥sùyè 宿夜 ⑦jìnxíng 进行 ⑧zhāngtiē 张贴; guà 挂 ‖ Who put up these posters? Shuí tiē de zhèxiē biāoyǔ? 谁贴的这些标语? ⑨shàngyǎn 上演 ►put-up [ˈpʊtˌʌp] adj. qīpiàn de 欺骗的 ‖ Police think the kidnapping was a put-up job. Jǐngchá rènwéi zhè qǐ bǎngjià'àn shì jiǎ de. 警察认为这起绑架案是假的。 ►put upon [*] lìyòng 利用; qīpiàn 欺骗 ►put-upon [ˈpʊtəˌpɑn] adj. bèi lìyòng de 被利用的 ‖ He feels put-upon by our assignment of duties. Tā gǎndào wǒmen zài wěipài gōngzuò de shíhou duì tā bù gōngpíng. 他感到我们在委派工作的时候对他不公平。 ►put up with róngrěn 容忍; rěnshòu 忍受 ►be hard put to hěn kùnnan 很困难; bù róngyì 不容易 ‖ I'm hard put to finish my term paper on time. Wǒ nányǐ ànshí wánchéng xuéqī bàogào. 我难以按时完成学期报告。
►put across biǎodá 表达 ‖ I don't know how to put across these ideas. Wǒ bù zhīdao rúhé biǎodá zhèxiē xiạ̌ngfa. 我不知道如何表达这些想法。 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
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►put aside ①bǎ ... fàng zài yī̠biān 把…放在一边 ②bùyǔ kǎolǜ 不予考虑 ‖ Let's put this matter aside for the time being. Zánmen xiān zànshí bǎ zhè jiàn shì fàng yị̄ fàng. 咱们先暂时把这件事放一放。 ③bèiyòng 备用 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
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►put back ①fànghuí yuánchù 放回原处 ②xiàng hòu yí 向后移 ③tuīchí 推迟 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
►put behind 〈environment:〉 fig.[喻] xiàng qián kàn 向前看; shuǎidiào bāofu 甩掉包袱 ‖ I must put behind me all the bad experiences. Wọ̌ děi wàngdiào nàxiē guòqù de zāogāo jīnglì. 我得忘掉那些过去的糟糕经历。 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
►put by ①bǎ ... fàng zài yī̠biān 把…放在一边 ②bèiyòng 备用 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
►put down [ˌpʊtˈdaʊn] ①fàngxia 放下 ②zhènyā 镇压 ‖ The government has put down the rebellion. Zhèngfǔ bǎ bàoluàn zhènyā xiàqu le. 政府把暴乱镇压下去了。 ③xiěxià 写下; jìxià 记下 ④biǎndī 贬低; xiūrǔ 羞辱 ‖ You are wrong in putting him down. Nị̌ biǎndī tā shì cuòwù de. 你贬低他是错误的。 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
►put-down [ˈpʊtˌdaʊn] n.sing. biǎndī 贬低; biạ̌nsǔn 贬损 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
►put down roots To view this entry, please log in
►put forth ①tíchū 提出 ②chuánbō 传播 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
►put forward ①tíchū 提出; jiànyì 建议 ‖ I'd like to put forward a different proposal. Wọ̌ xiǎng tíchū yị̄ ge wánquán bùtóng de jiànyì. 我想提出一个完全不同的建议。 ②bǎ ... tíqián 把…提前 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
►put in ①fàngjìn 放进 ②tíjiāo 提交; tíchū 提出 ‖ I've put in an application. Wọ̌ yǐjing jiāole shēnqǐng. 我已经交了申请。 ③fùchū 付出; huāfèi (shíjiān, jīnglì, dd.) 花费(时间、精力、等等) ‖ I put in a lot of time on this project. Wǒ zài zhège xiàngmù shang huāle hěn duō shíjiān. 我在这个项目上花了很多时间。 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
►Putin To view this entry, please log in
►put in a claim for To view this entry, please log in
►put in practice To view this entry, please log in
►put into ①bǎ ... fàngjìn 把…放进 ②shǐ jìnrù ... zhuàngtài 使进入…状态 ③fānyì chéng 翻译成 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
►put off ①yánqī 延期; tuōyán 拖延 ‖ Let's put off the meeting until next week. Zánmen bǎ huì yán dào xiàzhōu ba. 咱们把会延到下周吧。 ②tángsè 搪塞 ③tuō (yīfu) 脱(衣服); qùdiào 去掉 ④shị̌ tǎoyàn 使讨厌; shǐ bù gǎn xìngqù 使不感兴趣 ‖ His behavior puts people off. Tā de xíngwéi ràng rén tǎoyàn. 他的行为让人讨厌。 (Subentry of:) ►put [pʊt] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (put); pres.p. (-tt-) [put/putting] ①fàng 放; zhuāng 装; bǎi 摆 ‖ ∼ the cup on the table. Bǎ bēizi fàng zài zhuōzi shang. 把杯子放在桌子上。 ②xiěshang 写上; zhùshang 注上 ‖ Can you ∼ what you said in writing? Nǐ néng bǎ nǐ shuō de xiě xiàlai ma? 你能把你说的写下来吗? ③tíchū 提出; tíjiāo 提交 ④biǎodá 表达; shuō 说 ‖ Let's ∼ it this way ... Zánmen zhème shuō ba ... 咱们这么说吧… ⑤shǐ zuò 使做 ⑥gūjì 估计 ‖ I'd ∼ the cost at about five thousand dollars. Wǒ gūjì huāfei zài wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu. 我估计花费在五千块左右。 ⑦wèi ... pụ̌qǔ 为…谱曲 ⑧fānyì 翻译 ‖ Can you ∼ this sentence into Chinese? Nǐ néng bǎ zhè jù huà yìchéng Hànyǔ ma? 你能把这句话译成汉语吗?
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