English words alphabetically

went To view this entry, please log in
wept To view this entry, please log in
were To view this entry, please log in
werewolf To view this entry, please log in
werewolves To view this entry, please log in
west [wɛst] {BE/A} n.u./adj. xīfāng (de) 西方(的)adv. zài/xiàng xīfāng 在/向西方 westbound xiàng xī qù de 向西去的 westward(s) adj./adv. xiàngxī de 向西的/地
westbound xiàng xī qù de 向西去的 (Subentry of:) west [wɛst] {BE/A} n.u./adj. xīfāng (de) 西方(的)adv. zài/xiàng xīfāng 在/向西方
westerlies To view this entry, please log in
westerly To view this entry, please log in
western To view this entry, please log in
westerner To view this entry, please log in
westerners To view this entry, please log in
Westernization To view this entry, please log in
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westernized To view this entry, please log in
westernized To view this entry, please log in
westernizes To view this entry, please log in
westernizing To view this entry, please log in
western time To view this entry, please log in
westing To view this entry, please log in
westward(s) adj./adv. xiàngxī de 向西的/地 (Subentry of:) west [wɛst] {BE/A} n.u./adj. xīfāng (de) 西方(的)adv. zài/xiàng xīfāng 在/向西方
westward To view this entry, please log in
wet To view this entry, please log in
wet bar To view this entry, please log in
wet behind the ears To view this entry, please log in
wet blanket To view this entry, please log in
wet dream To view this entry, please log in
wet-fastness To view this entry, please log in
wether To view this entry, please log in
wetland To view this entry, please log in
wet-nurse To view this entry, please log in
wets To view this entry, please log in
wet suit To view this entry, please log in
wetted To view this entry, please log in
wetter To view this entry, please log in
wettest To view this entry, please log in
wet the bed To view this entry, please log in
wet through To view this entry, please log in
wetting To view this entry, please log in
whack To view this entry, please log in
whacked To view this entry, please log in
whacking To view this entry, please log in
whacks To view this entry, please log in
whale To view this entry, please log in
whalebone To view this entry, please log in
whales To view this entry, please log in
whale watching To view this entry, please log in
whaling To view this entry, please log in
wham To view this entry, please log in
whammed To view this entry, please log in
whamming To view this entry, please log in
whams To view this entry, please log in
wharf To view this entry, please log in
wharfage To view this entry, please log in
wharfer To view this entry, please log in
wharves To view this entry, please log in
what To view this entry, please log in
what about nàme ... ne 那么…呢What about money? Do we have enough? Qián zěnmeyàng? Gòu ma? 钱怎么样?够吗? (Subentry of:) about [əˈbaʊt] {BE/A} prep.guānyú 关于; yǒuguān 有关What's this book ∼? ... It's ∼ modern art. Zhè běn shū shì jiǎng shénme de? ... Shì guānyú dāngdài yìshù de. 这本书是讲什么的? …是关于当代艺术的。zhìyú ... 至于…∼ those books, I do indeed want to have a look at them. Zhìyú nàxiē shū, wǒ díquè xiǎng kànkan. 至于那些书,我的确想看看。adv.dàyuē 大约I study ∼ six hours a day. Wǒ měitiān xuéxí liù xiǎoshí zuǒyòu. 我每天学习六小时左右。jīhū 几乎; mǎshàng 马上Dinner is ∼ ready. Wǎnfàn mǎshàng jiù hǎo le. 晚饭马上就好了。dàochù 到处; zhōuwéi 周围; fùjìn 附近There is no one ∼. Zhōuwéi méi rén. 周围没人。adj. gāngyào 刚要We were ∼ to leave when he arrived. Wǒmen gāng yào zǒu, tā jiù dào le. 我们刚要走, 他就到了。
what about To view this entry, please log in
What a nuisance! To view this entry, please log in
What a pity. To view this entry, please log in
What a shame! To view this entry, please log in
whatever To view this entry, please log in
what for To view this entry, please log in
what have you To view this entry, please log in
what if To view this entry, please log in
What makes sb. tick? To view this entry, please log in
whatness To view this entry, please log in
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whatnot To view this entry, please log in
what's more To view this entry, please log in
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what's the point (in/of doing sth.) To view this entry, please log in
What's up?Chū shénme shì le? 出什么事了?Yǒu shénme xīn xiāoxi? 有什么新消息? (Subentry of:) up [ʌp] {BE/A} adv.xiàngshàng 向上; zài shàngmian 在上面He leaped ∼ at the news. Tīngdào zhège xiāoxi tā tiàole qǐlai. 听到这个消息他跳了起来。zhílì 直立; qǐlai 起来Get ∼! i. Zhàn qǐlai! 站起来! ii. Qǐchuáng! 起床!xiàng shàngfāng (qù) 向上方(去); xiàng mǒuchù (qù) 向某处(去)hàojìn 耗尽; wán 完; guāng 光Eat ∼ your rice. Bạ̌ mǐfàn chīwán. 把米饭吃完。zēngdà/qiáng 增大/强adj.xiàngshàng de 向上的; zài shàngmian de 在上面的shùqǐ de 竖起的Is the tent ∼? Zhàngpeng dā qǐlai le ma? 帐篷搭起来了吗?qǐchuáng de 起床的; méi shuì de 没睡的I was ∼ early today. Wǒ jīntiān qǐ de hẹ̌n zǎo. 我今天起得很早。I was ∼ all night. Wǒ yị̄ yè méi shuì. 我一夜没睡。shàngxíng de 上行的The ∼ escalator is out of order. Xiàngshàng zǒu de zìdòng lóutī huài le. 向上走的自动楼梯坏了。zēngdà/duō de 增大/多的Prices are ∼. Zhǎngjià le. 涨价了。hàojìnle de 耗尽了的Time is ∼. Dàodiǎn le. 到点了。
What's wrong? To view this entry, please log in
what the hell To view this entry, please log in
what then zěnme bàn 怎么办 (Subentry of:) then [ðɛn] {BE/A} adv.nàshí 那时; dāngshí 当时yúshì 于是; ránhòu 然后∼ what happened ? Hòulái zěnme le ? 后来怎么了?nàme 那么; yīncǐ 因此adj. nàshí de 那时的; dāngshí de 当时的
wheat To view this entry, please log in
wheaten To view this entry, please log in
wheatland To view this entry, please log in
wheedle To view this entry, please log in
wheedled To view this entry, please log in
wheedles To view this entry, please log in
wheedling To view this entry, please log in
wheel To view this entry, please log in
wheelbarrow To view this entry, please log in
wheelbarrows To view this entry, please log in
wheelbase To view this entry, please log in
wheelchair To view this entry, please log in
wheelchairs To view this entry, please log in
wheeled To view this entry, please log in
wheeler-dealer To view this entry, please log in
wheelhouse To view this entry, please log in
wheeling To view this entry, please log in
wheel-made To view this entry, please log in
wheels To view this entry, please log in
wheel-shape To view this entry, please log in
wheelwright To view this entry, please log in
wheeze To view this entry, please log in
wheezed To view this entry, please log in

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