Ci talk:1019777975
1) Some examples:
再也沒有什麼比黑色的長髮更神秘誘人!There's nothing more mysterious and seductive than black hair!
取而代之的,是一連串我們再也熟悉不過的抱怨。What we get instead is a string of complaints about America and its allies, with which we have all become overly familiar.
原因無它,只因為對嬰幼兒來說,再也沒有什麼是比母乳更好、更天然、更營養的食物。There's only one reason, and that is that there is nothing better, more natural, or more healthy for a newborn than mother's milk.
他描述:當鼓一開打,整間木造教室就變成一面大鼓,鼓聲再也不是音樂、不是節奏,而是直接撞擊他的身體 [He] says that upon striking the drum, the whole wooden classroom resonated as if the room itself had been struck. The resultant sound, he recounts, cannot be described as music, nor as rhythm, but rather as a direct assault upon one's body
Another example: 如果被发现,我们就再也找不到那个密室了。 If we're caught, then we'll never find the secret room.
The audio for this can be heard by clicking the Play button on this page:
(It's the first line of the dialog.)
2) The example sentence for the 2nd sense is a fairly generic sort of statement that occurs in several variations on various websites. E.g.,