拜 [bài] bow/kowtow (deeply); honor/adore/worship, 拜见 pay respects; 拜谢 bow in thanks; (TW) 礼拜 week (礼拜天 Sunday, 礼拜一 Monday) [bái] (Eng.) 拜拜 bye-bye!; (HDZ:) …
2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Cantonese-English Dictionary (namespace Jyut):
►baai3 拜 b.f./char. ►baai3/1 baai3 拜拜 ►baai3 gwaan1 dai3 hing1 dai6 拜關帝兄弟 ►baai3 gwaan1 ji6 go1 拜關二哥 ►baai3 saan1 拜山
►baai3/1 拜 F.E. 〈etymology:〉 loan from Eng. bye; said by speaker upon leaving a friend or acquaintance; a.s.a. 拜拜 baai3/1 baai3 【See also 拜拜 baai3/1 baai3】 bye
2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
►²bài 拜 {D} v. ①do obeisance; salute ②acknowledge sb. as one's master/etc. ‖ ∼ tā wéi shī ∼他为师 acknowledge him as one's teacher ◆b.f. make a courtesy call ►bàifǎng 拜訪
►²bái 拜 {E} char. ►¹báibái 拜拜
The Shuōwén Seal form 拜(𢫶) bài ‘bow down (deeply), honor/worship’ combines the old form 𢪒(𠬞廾) gǒng ‘upraised/respectful hands’ (手 doubled), and 下 xià ‘down’; bow down the head in respect/obeisance, lowering the head to the hands, or bowing more deeply, kneel/fall to the ground with head lowered and hands extended in complete submission; formerly wr. 𣬓(), the main SW form 𢷎() has 扌(手) and 𠦪(𦱧) hū ‘urgent/fast’, in which 夲() tāo ‘advance quickly’ is short for 奔(𢍃) bēn ‘run (in fear)’ (phonosemantic).
Note: There is some question in SW editions about the depth of bow specified by 拜; cf. 肅拜; 拜手; 䭫首, 磕头 ‘kowtow’ (DYC).
The modern form 拜 is a distortion of the old form 𢫶(), moving 下 down to the right and combining it with the right-side 手 to make the shape .
Compare: 手() shǒu ‘hand’, formerly wr. 𡴤(); 又(), 右(𠮢) yòu ‘right hand’; 友(㕛) yǒu ‘good friends’.
Compare: 廾(𠬞𢪒) gǒng ‘upraised (reverent/respectful) hands’; 共(𠔏𦱹) gòng ‘offer (respectfully/respects), shared/together’.
Note: 拜见 ‘pay respects’; 拜读 ‘read with respect’; 拜读大作 ‘Happy to have read your masterpiece!’.
Compare: 臣() chén ‘bowing slave/servant’ (prostrate/kneeling/bowing person).
“To honor, to reverence. Two 手 hands that are 下 held down” —Wieger.
HDZ: 拜 : bài : (古) 表示敬意的一种礼节, 行礼时两足跪地, 低头, 下与腰平, 两手至地; 拜谢; 尊崇, 敬奉 (崇拜, 拜服, 拜物教); 以礼会见, 拜访; 授官; (敬) 受; 上, 奉; (敬词) 恭敬地 (拜启, 拜读, 拜领, 拜辞); 通过一定仪式结成某种关系 (拜师, 拜把兄弟); (植物名); 拔 (bá): 拔掉; (姓)
►references: Guǎngyùn:385.55; Wieger:48d; Karlgren:GSR328a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.1846.7; Mathews:4860; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:427.02; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:119.1.10; EDOC:1
►components: 手王十丰
►Cantonese: baai-
Shuōwén: (𣬓)
<cdl char='拜' uni='62DC' radical='X4 K4 D1'>
<comp char='手' uni='624B' variant='1' points='0,0 60,128' />
<comp char='' uni='E18C' points='60,12 128,128' />
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<stroke type='h' points='0,82 128,82' />
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<stroke type='h' points='6,0 122,0' />
<stroke type='h' points='12,32 116,32' />
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<stroke type='s' points='64,0 64,128' head='cut' />
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