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such and such pr. mọ̌umǒu 某某adj. rúcǐ zhèbān de 如此这般的 (Subentry of:) such [sʌtʃ] {BE/A} adj. zhèyàng de 这样的; zhūrúcǐlèi de 诸如此类的She would never say ∼ a thing. Tā cái bụ̀ huì shuō zhè zhǒng huà ne. 她才不会说这种话呢。Don't be in ∼ a hurry. Bié zhème jí. 别这么急。He takes care of all ∼ complaints. Tā fùzé chụ̌lǐ suọ̌yǒu zhè yị̄lèi de tóusù. 他负责处理所有这一类的投诉。adv. zhèyàng de 这样地; rúcǐ de 如此地pr. zhèyàng de rén/shì 这样的人/事
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2001493045
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