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no less than bù shǎoyú 不少于; bụ̀yàyú 不亚于There were no less than one thousand antiwar demonstrators. Yī̠ qiān duō rén cānjiāle fǎnzhàn shìwēi. 一千多人参加了反战示威。 (Subentry of:) no [noʊ] {BE/A} adj.méiyǒu 没有I have ∼ money on me. Wǒ méi dài qián. 我没带钱。jìnzhǐ rù nèi de 禁止入内的jué bụ̀ shì 决不是I'm ∼ singer. Wǒ gēnběn bụ̀ shì chànggē de liào. 我根本不是唱歌的料。intj. bù 不; bụ̀ shì 不是; méiyǒu 没有n.c. pl. (-s/-es) [nos/noes]fǎnduìpiào/zhě 反对票/者fǒudìng 否定
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The ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (namespace En)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2002120779
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