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in between zài zhōngjiān 在中间We had four hours of meeting with no break in between. Wǒmen yī̠lián kāile sì ge xiǎoshí de huì, méiyǒu xiūxi. 我们一连开了四个小时的会,没有休息。 (Subentry of:) between [bɪˈtwiːn] {BE/A} prep.zài ... zhījiān//zhōngjiān 在…之间//中间The area ∼ the two rivers was flooded. Liǎng tiáo hé zhījiān de dìqū bèi hóngshuǐ yān le. 两条河之间的地区被洪水淹了。Bus 15 goes ∼ downtown and the zoo. Shíwǔ lù chē xíngshǐ yú shìzhōngxīn hé dòngwùyuán zhījiān. 十五路车行驶于市中心和动物园之间。... zhījiān de …之间的; guānxi 关系What's the connection ∼ those two? Nà liạ̌ngzhě zhījiān shì shénme guānxi? 那两者之间是什么关系?wèi ... gòngxiǎng//gòngyǒu 为…共享//共有We two had a bowl of noodles ∼ us. Wǒmenliǎ fēn chīle yī̠ wǎn ²miàn. 我们俩分吃了一碗面。
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2001823502
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