Search results
- 硃 [zhū] (same as 朱 zhū ‘red’; 硃砂=朱砂 ‘cinnabar’) From 朱 zhū ‘vermilion’ with 石 (shí) ‘stone’ added. #rG.077.26 K.AD1247 D.4.2429.4 M.1350 ...213 bytes (24 words) - 05:05, 9 December 2016
- 邾 [zhū] (古国名); (古邑名) (战国) 楚地 …; (姓) The character 邾() zhū ‘(anc. city name)’ combines 朱() zhū (phonetic), and 阝(邑 yì) ‘city’. ...271 bytes (26 words) - 23:31, 14 February 2018
- 铢(F銖) [zhū] (古) unit of weight, 1/24 两; dull; slight/fine The Shuōwén Seal form of 铢/銖() zhū ‘(anc. unit of weight) 1/24 两’ (cf. 黍) combines 钅/金 ...321 bytes (37 words) - 02:11, 9 August 2019
- 𫉄(F藷)(=𧄔䅷𦺪𧂤) [zhū] sugarcane (Saccharum)@@ [shǔ] cf. 藷 The Shuōwén Seal form of 𫉄/藷() zhū ‘sugarcane (Saccharum)’ combines 艹(艸/草 ...310 bytes (30 words) - 02:23, 20 December 2018
- py Zhū Zǐ char 朱子 ser 1018125192 gr * ref vfd208b7 ps n. df the philosopher Zhū Xī ...113 bytes (18 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 洙 [zhū] (古水名) 源出 (今) 山东省新泰县东北, 折西南与泗水合流, (后) 上源在泰安县东南改道西流合入汶水, (今) 为小汶河上游, 已与泗水 ...411 bytes (29 words) - 03:33, 27 July 2018
- 槠(F櫧) [zhū] (木名) 石槠 an oak; (鸟名) 槠鸟 From 木 (mù) ‘tree’, and 诸 zhū (phonetic). #rD.2.1270.10 B.312.1.05 #c木诸讠者 #y jyu\ ...169 bytes (17 words) - 23:10, 14 February 2018
- 侏 [zhū] (侏儒) dwarf@@ [zhōu] 倜; 华 From 亻(人 rén) ‘person’ and 朱 zhū phonetic. #rK.GSR128d D.1.148.9 M.1347 G.077.19 KX..102.03 B.083.1.09 ...190 bytes (24 words) - 03:02, 4 January 2016
- 櫧(S槠) [zhū] (木名) 石櫧 an oak; (鳥名) 櫧鳥@@; (HDZ:) (木名) 青椆 (cf. 楮 zhū) #s #c木諸言者 #y jyu\ #rD.2.1315.4 M.1363 G.070.18 KX..561.13 ...176 bytes (17 words) - 23:11, 14 February 2018
- 橥(F櫫) [zhū] (书) small wooden post for tying up beasts of burden From 猪(豬) zhū ‘pig’ phonetic over 木 (mù) ‘wood’. #rD.2.1283.1 KX..554.21 B.368.0.01 ...202 bytes (26 words) - 18:03, 29 October 2013
- py Zhū Xī char 朱熹 ser 1018097741 gr * da 1130-1200 ref 11H ps n. en hist. df chief expounder of Neo-Confucianism; also known as Zhū Zǐ or Master Zhu ...183 bytes (29 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 诛(F誅) [zhū] blame; punish; execute (伏诛 ‘be executed’); 戮诛 slay; 征诛 wipe out@@; cf. 誅 From 讠(言 yán) ‘words’ (death sentence) and 朱 zhū phonetic. ...236 bytes (28 words) - 00:24, 17 October 2016
- 蛛 [zhū] 蜘蛛 zhīzhū spider (Araneae)@@; (HDZ:) 蜘蛛 (cf. 蜘; 蠾蝓) The Shuōwén Seal form of 蛛() zhū ‘spider’ combines 虫 (chóng) ‘insect’ (arachnid ...635 bytes (65 words) - 01:38, 20 December 2018
- 诸(F諸) [zhū] all, various; 诸位 everyone@@ [chú] cf. 諸 #i4 The Shuōwén Seal form of 诸/諸() zhū ‘(nominalizer; pron.)’ combines 讠/言 (yán) ‘direct ...586 bytes (81 words) - 04:51, 9 June 2019
- 株 [zhū] tree roots/trunk/stump/pith (树根/干/桩; cf. 朱: 树心), cf. 守株待兔@@; (HDZ:) …; 草木; 植株; (量词); 斗鸡得胜者; 株连, 牵连 ...658 bytes (57 words) - 01:56, 9 August 2019
- 茱(=) [zhū] Cornelian cherry dogwood (Cornus mas); fruit of medicinal cornel@@; (HDZ:) 茱萸: 吴茱萸 , 芸香科 (cf. 大果山茱萸, 樧/榝, 越椒, 艾子) ...534 bytes (64 words) - 03:35, 27 July 2018
- 銖(S铢) [zhū] (古) unit of weight, 1/24 两; dull; slight/fine@@; (HDZ:) … HDZ: 銖 : zhū : (SW: 權十分黍之重; DYC: 權十絫黍之重) (古) (单位) 衡制单位 ...416 bytes (28 words) - 02:11, 9 August 2019
- 猪(F豬) [zhū] pig (公猪 ‘boar’, 母猪 ‘sow’, 乳猪 ‘suckling’, 小猪 ‘piglet’); 猪肉 pork; (生肖) 猪年 year of the pig (12th year) ...1,015 bytes (117 words) - 05:48, 19 February 2019
- df four great Qīng-dynasty Shuōwén masters/schools (Duàn, Guì, Wáng, Zhū) ... seealso Zhū Jùnshēng [74340815891AB602] rem@rscook_2019-08-27T15:02:08PDT new ...430 bytes (75 words) - 08:03, 10 September 2019
- rem@TB2006年03月28日 Changed "Zhū Bājiè" to "Zhūbājiè" ... rem .hwn Zhū Bājiè dàodǎ yī pá char 猪八戒倒打一耙[豬------] ...331 bytes (54 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015