Search results
- 盄(=𥁜𥁛𥁏) (?𥃝) [zhāo] (古) a cooking vessel/pot (to boil/heat water/food)@@; (HDZ:) (器名) 吊/銚子: 一种烧水或熬煮食物的器皿 ...338 bytes (32 words) - 23:17, 14 February 2018
- 钊(F釗) [zhāo] round/smooth (remove sharp edges); crossbow trigger; encourage/spur/exhort The Shuōwén Seal form of 钊/釗(釖) zhāo ‘round/smooth (cut off ...342 bytes (46 words) - 06:03, 19 February 2019
- 釗(S钊) [zhāo] round/smooth (remove sharp edges); crossbow trigger; encourage/spur/exhort@@; (HDZ:) …; (!釖) [jiāo] (又读) ? HDZ: 釗 : zhāo : (SW: 刓) 磨损 ...387 bytes (35 words) - 06:02, 19 February 2019
- 啁 [zhāo] 啁啾 zhōujiū twitter [zhōu] 诙啁 huīzhāo banter/joke@@; (HDZ:) … [dāo] 嘐啁=嘮叨: 话多 [tiáo] 戏谑, 调笑 [diào] (旧读) [cháo ...684 bytes (73 words) - 05:33, 19 February 2019
- 晁(鼂鼌) [cháo] (虫名) cf. 鼂; (姓) [zhāo] 朝: 早晨 [chào] (古县名) 晁陽 The character 晁 cháo ‘(surname)’ combines 日 (rì) ‘sun’, and 兆 ...633 bytes (71 words) - 23:08, 14 February 2018
- 昭 [zhāo] clear/evident/obvious (昭示); brilliant/bright (昭昭); exonerate/right/rehabilitate (昭雪)@@; (HDZ:) … [zhào] 照 The Shuōwén Seal form of 昭( ...1 KB (95 words) - 04:15, 9 June 2019
- 𡖎 [zhāo] 奢𡖎 #rD.2.863.7 #c多力 ...54 bytes (6 words) - 06:13, 19 February 2019
- 𢗈 [zhāo] 相背 #rD.4.2270.10 #c必丁 ...55 bytes (6 words) - 06:16, 19 February 2019
- 𥏨 [zhāo] 箭矢 #rD.4.2585.10 #c矢周 ...55 bytes (6 words) - 06:24, 19 February 2019
- 妱 [zhāo] (人名) #c女召 #rD.2.1041.6 KX..257.18 ...66 bytes (7 words) - 05:35, 19 February 2019
- 駋 [zhāo] (马名) #c馬召 #rD.7.4550.7 KX..1435.29 ...67 bytes (7 words) - 23:35, 14 February 2018
- 𦺓 [zhāo] (姓) #rD.5.3288.16 KX..1056.44 #c艹朝 ...66 bytes (7 words) - 06:28, 19 February 2019
- 𨱻(!結S结𡙣𥾫䦇) [zhāo] (音 “招”) #rD.6.4053.10 #c镸吉 ...89 bytes (7 words) - 22:08, 22 November 2016
- 𣋍 [zhāo] (虫名) 蝘𣋍 #rD.2.1538.11 KX..500.43 #c冒肥日冃罒 ...88 bytes (7 words) - 01:59, 20 December 2018
- 鼌(=鼂晁) [cháo] [zhāo] cf. 鼂/晁 #rD.7.4769.2* #c旦黾 ...73 bytes (9 words) - 23:38, 14 February 2018
- 𤿘(=皽𤿝) [zhāo] 肉之魄莫: 皮肉上的薄膜 #rD.4.2755.4 KX..791.06 #c召皮 ...101 bytes (7 words) - 22:25, 19 August 2016
- 𨱃(F鈲) [gū] [pì] [pī] [zhāo] cf. 鈲 #c钅瓜 ...66 bytes (10 words) - 00:12, 28 January 2016
- 巶(=昭) [zhāo] [zhào] cf. 昭 #rD.2.986.5 KX..327.05 #c召巳 ...82 bytes (10 words) - 23:03, 14 February 2018
- 窼(=窠䆼) [zhāo] 鸟窝 [kē] 窠 #rD.4.2741.17 KX..868.17 #c穴巢 ...89 bytes (8 words) - 05:52, 19 February 2019
- 𤍒(=𤒧爒𤑗) [zhāo] 燃 (cf. 𤑗) #rD.3.2230.9 KX..680.19 #c火巢 ...91 bytes (8 words) - 06:21, 19 February 2019