Search results
- 肽 [tài] peptide From 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’ and 太 tài phonetic. #rD.3.2047.5 B.086.1.06 #c月太 ...117 bytes (16 words) - 18:03, 29 October 2013
- 钛(F鈦) [tài] titanium (Ti) From 钅(金 jīn) ‘metal’ and 太 tài phonetic. #rD.6.4174.15 B.118.1.08 E.0 #c钅太 #y taai- ...144 bytes (21 words) - 17:19, 23 June 2016
- 忲(=忕𢗗𢘽𢖪) (!㤤) [tài] 奢侈 [shì] cf. 忕 From 忄(心 xīn) ‘heart’ and 太 tài. #rD.4.2276.3 M.6021 KX..378.15 #c忄太 ...160 bytes (17 words) - 01:58, 1 March 2017
- 1df tài duō le [太多了] 2df tài guòfèn le [太过分了] subof ¹much [2000916108] ...137 bytes (20 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 汏(=汰溙汱𣴒)(!𣲔泣) [tài] (SW: 淅𤄒) 汰: 淘洗 [dà] (方言) 洗@@ [dài] [tà] ? The Shuōwén Seal form of 汏() tài ‘rinse/wash (rice/etc ...399 bytes (42 words) - 04:21, 9 June 2019
- 2df Hǎo! [好!]; Tài hǎo le! [太好了!]; Tài bàng le! [太棒了!] ...196 bytes (35 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 態(S态) [tài] form; 態度 tàidu manner; 狀態 zhuàngtài state From 能 (néng) over 心 (xīn) ‘heart’. According to Karlgren, 能 was used for a character pronounced ...397 bytes (65 words) - 10:40, 23 June 2016
- py Yà-Tài Jīnghé Zǔzhī rem@TB2001.01 Capitalized. Changed "df APEC" to "see Ya4tai4 Jing1he2". char 亚太经合组织[亞-經-組織] ...230 bytes (35 words) - 12:44, 6 January 2021
- 汰 [tài] (书) 涤汰 wash away; 淘汰 eliminate (天然淘汰 ‘natural selection’; 优胜劣汰 ‘survival of the fittest’)@@; (HDZ:) 淘米、豆等; 洗涤, 清洗; ...753 bytes (59 words) - 23:54, 3 September 2018
- 态(F態) [tài] form; 态度 tàidu manner; 状态 zhuàngtài state #i4 From 太 tài phonetic over 心 (xīn) ‘heart’. The full form 態 has 能 néng on top, instead ...273 bytes (44 words) - 10:28, 23 June 2016
- df tài ... yǐzhì bùnéng ... [太…以至不能…] ex@yy I'm too excited ... tr@yy Wǒ tài xīngfèn le, gēnběn shuìbuzháo jiào. hz@yy 我太兴奋了 ...276 bytes (44 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 2df zhēn bàng [真棒]; tài hǎo le [太好了] rem@yy20060617 Changed from 'tài hǎo de 太好的' to 'tài hǎo ...590 bytes (93 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 太 [tài] great; very/extremely; too (much, excessive/extreme); 太阳 Sun; 太太 Madame@@; (HDZ:) … [tā] (地名) 太末 #i3 The character 太 tài (4 strokes) is said ...1 KB (104 words) - 01:14, 20 December 2018
- df dāi de tài jiǔ [呆得太久] ex@yy200604 He ∼ed his welcome. tr Tā dāi de tài jiǔ le, bụ̀ shòu huānyíng le. hz 他呆得太久了 ...392 bytes (67 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 粏 [tài] ? (Morohashi) #rD.5.3142.12* #c米太 ...61 bytes (7 words) - 05:52, 19 February 2019
- 2df tài [太]; hěn [很] 2ex@yy The car is ∼ big. 2tr@yy Chē tài dà le. 2hz@yy 车太大了。 sub ∼ ... to ... [2002363704] ...425 bytes (65 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 𦒰(!糶S粜𥽀𥺋) [tài] (音 “泰”) #rD.5.3360.10 #c泰翟 ...85 bytes (7 words) - 01:51, 27 January 2017
- 𧉑 [tài] (虫名) 𧉑阿 #rD.4.2837.10 KX..1079.10 #c虫太 ...76 bytes (7 words) - 06:28, 19 February 2019
- 𪐥 [tài] 黑甚, 很黑 #rD.7.4744.10 KX..1519.12 #c黑太 ...74 bytes (7 words) - 06:41, 19 February 2019
- 冭(=夳太𡙌泰) [tài] cf. 泰 #rD.1.295.5 KX..131.23 #c大冫 ...87 bytes (8 words) - 03:10, 10 February 2017