Search results
- 虪(=𧇐)(!𧈜𩦶𩤌) [shù] 黑虎 (状如小虎而黑, 毛深者为斑) The Shuōwén Seal form of 虪() shù ‘black tiger with gray stripes’ combines ...354 bytes (32 words) - 00:35, 20 June 2018
- 踈(=疏䟽疎𨘖) (?𤴚) [shū] [shù] cf. 䟽/疏@@ [sū] ? From ⻊(足 zú) ‘foot’, and 束 shù (phonetic). #rD.6.3708.4 G.069.19 KX..1226.41 #c⻊束足 ...182 bytes (16 words) - 04:45, 23 November 2017
- 侸(=𠍄㰯𠊪樹) [shù] (古) stand up straight@@; (HDZ:) 樹: 树立 (建立, 建树; 直立, 竖立) [dōu] “佔侸”, cf. 佔 The Shuōwén Seal form of 侸 ...636 bytes (58 words) - 23:42, 3 September 2018
- 墅 [shù] simple farmhouse; villa (别墅 biéshù); village@@; (HDZ:) 乡间简陋的房子; …别馆; 村 [yě] 野: 田野, 郊外 The character 墅 shù ‘simple farmhouse’ ...398 bytes (39 words) - 22:59, 14 February 2018
- 沭 [shù] (河名) 沭河 [chù] ? 怵: cf. 𤄎 From 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’ and 术 shù phonetic. #rD.3.1582.1 M.5887 G.473.14 KX..613.01 B.091.1.02 #c氵术朮 ...194 bytes (19 words) - 21:43, 21 August 2016
- 嗽 [sòu] 咳嗽 cough@@; (HDZ:) … [shuò] 用嘴吮吸 [shù] 漱 From 口 (kǒu) ‘mouth’, and 欶() shù (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 欶. HDZ: 嗽 : shuò ...350 bytes (35 words) - 03:57, 9 June 2019
- Compare: 头/頭() tóu ‘head’ (cf. 項); 侸() shù ‘stand up straight’; 尌() shù ‘stand up straight’; 竖/豎() shù ‘vertical’; 树/樹 ...553 bytes (63 words) - 02:45, 23 October 2018
- 怵 [chù] fear; 怵惕 chùtì feel apprehensive@@; (HDZ:) (SW: 恐) 恐惧; 悽怆, 悲伤; 警惕 [xù] 訹: 利诱; 㾁/㤜/怴: 狂 (cf. 㾁 shù) The Shuōwén Seal ...471 bytes (51 words) - 15:43, 27 June 2019
- 蒁(=𦳯荗) [shù] (草名); (姜科) 蓬莪术 (莪术/朮)、郁金、姜黄等的肥厚根茎, 蓬莪术, 蒁藥, 馬蒁 (cf. 荗) The Shuōwén Seal form of 𦳯 ...509 bytes (45 words) - 01:37, 20 December 2018
- 𦒶(=𦒲𦒸) [shù] 老人走路迟缓 The Shuōwén Seal form of 𦒶() shù ‘elderly/slow/easy/shuffling gait’ combines 老() lǎo ‘old’ (abbrev.) ...295 bytes (34 words) - 02:08, 20 December 2018
- The Shuōwén Seal form of 𧈜() shù ‘panther (black tiger)’ combines 虎 ... Compare: 虪() shù ‘black tiger with gray stripes’. #rD.4.2832.17 G.202.07 ...333 bytes (35 words) - 00:49, 20 June 2018
- 涑 [sù] (水名) 涑水 (Yellow River tributary, in SW Shanxi); (HDZ:) … [sōu] 洗涤 to wash [shù] 水有所败; 漱: 漱口 The Shuōwén Seal form of 涑() sōu ...467 bytes (48 words) - 23:13, 14 February 2018
- 澍 [shù] (书) 时雨 timely rain; 透雨 drenching/saturating rain; (HDZ:) 时雨, 透雨; 丰, 满; 降落 (雨水), 沾湿, 浸渍; 滋润 (恩惠) [zhù] 注: 灌注, 倾泻 ...333 bytes (24 words) - 03:02, 20 January 2017
- 裋(=𧞫) [shù] (古) 童仆所穿的粗布衣服 (cf. 裋褐); 粗布衣服@@ [shǔ] cf. 襡 [duǎn] cf. 短 The Shuōwén Seal form of 裋() shù ‘short/coarse ...550 bytes (54 words) - 00:35, 20 June 2018
- 疎(=疏) [shū] [shù] cf. 疏 From 疋 shū and 束 shù. “A recent variant of 疏... 束 siok was inserted as additional ‘phonetic’ (taking the place of the signific ...277 bytes (33 words) - 22:14, 1 September 2016
- 腧 [shù] 腧穴 shùxué acupuncture point@@ [yú] “腧腧”, 媚貌; 腴 From 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’, and 俞(兪) yú (phonetic). Compare: 愉() yú ‘happy’. ...402 bytes (28 words) - 22:53, 11 October 2017
- 贖(S赎) [shú] ransom/redeem (赎出 redeem, 勒赎 kidnap for ransom); 赎罪 atone/expiate@@; (HDZ:) … [shù] 购买; (姓) HDZ: 贖 : shú : 用财物换回人身自由或抵押品; ...367 bytes (30 words) - 00:08, 4 September 2018
- 述 [shù] state, narrate; 描述 describe; 上述 above-mentioned@@; (HDZ:) 遵循; 申述, 记叙; 阐述前人成说; (古) 文体; 鷸 (yù): (古) 冠饰; (姓) ...692 bytes (66 words) - 04:55, 9 June 2019
- 豎(S竖) [shù] 豎直 vertical, perpendicular; (書法) “丨” vertical stroke (橫豎撇點折, cf. 札)@@; (HDZ:) … HDZ: 豎 : shù : 立, 直立; 纵 (ant. 横); ...497 bytes (27 words) - 00:07, 4 September 2018
- 欶 [shuò] 吮吸, 饮 (cf. 漱, 嗍 suō) [sòu] (=嗽漱) 咳嗽 [shù] (又读) ? The Shuōwén Seal form of 欶() shuò ‘suck’ combines 欠() qiàn ‘gape/yawn/lack’ ...633 bytes (68 words) - 05:44, 19 February 2019