Search results
- Compare: 彩石鳑鲏 (Rhodeus lighti); 刺鳍鳑鲏 (R. spinalis ... Compare: 高体鳑鲏 (R. ocellatus); 原田鳑鲏 (R. haradai); 方氏鳑鲏 ...534 bytes (49 words) - 01:48, 20 December 2018
- py xiàkē(r) char 下颏[-頦] ser 1014014138 gr * ref vkura587a6 ps n. en@wei topo. df@wei lower jaw; chin rem@TB2000.12 Should ...446 bytes (83 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py gēnmā(r) rem@TB2003.08.25 Deleted apostrophe; was "gen1ma1('r)". rem .hwn gen1ma1('r) char 跟妈[-媽] ...219 bytes (36 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py pǎotáng(r) char 跑堂 ser 1019278037 gr * 1ps v.o. 1df be a waiter/waitress; wait on tables 2ps n. 2df waiter/waitress ...390 bytes (47 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 𨦡 [yóng] (与隆切) [yáng] (化学) 𨦡盐 (R-O-R') #rD.6.4202.9 #c金羊 ...94 bytes (9 words) - 02:16, 20 December 2018
- rem@yy200307 Deleted parentheses around r. In Putonghua, r is almost ... rem@TB2004.03.23 Added r. freq 5.5 [XHPC:10(好玩儿)] ...294 bytes (41 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- seealso jīnzhōng(r) [1006500421] rem@TB2010年02月27日 seealso calendula" and "jīnzhōng(r) a kind of cricket"; should ...435 bytes (67 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 醚(=𨡅) [mí] 醉 (cf. 迷); (化学) R-O-R' (ether) #rD.6.3592.1 KX..1285.43 B.384.1.04 #c酉迷米辶 #y maih\ ...125 bytes (12 words) - 21:58, 24 March 2018
- py kǒudai(r)* char 口袋 gr B ser 1007145083 ref 24203a ps n. df [en] bag; sack; pocket df [fr] sac ; sachet ; poche ...503 bytes (82 words) - 01:49, 2 December 2016
- thought, intention, will’; GS957a〷BX..意◦ʔ(r)jɨks◦ʔiH◦yì◦‘think, thought, intention’◦(GS0957a; 692, 9802.10)〷BX..意◦ʔ(r ...697 bytes (63 words) - 18:03, 29 October 2013
- py duōdiǎn(r)* char 多点[-點] rem@yy0502 Added (r) ser 1003075157 gr * ref vtwd761 ps n. df a little more ...135 bytes (23 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py lòufèng(r) char 漏缝[-縫] ser 1008038841 gr * ref vwei636b4 ps n. df crack; leak rem@yy0602 Added (r) ...134 bytes (23 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py píngkǒu(r) char 瓶口 rem@yy0202 Added (r) ser 1009611502 gr * ref vtwp203 ps n. df mouth of a bottle ...132 bytes (23 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py ¹tù(r) rem@TB2002.05 Add (r)? Someone told me tu4r is common. rem@yh0602 Ok. Added (r). char 兔 ser 1013287802 gr E ...289 bytes (47 words) - 09:57, 24 May 2017
- py àiwán(r)* char 爱玩[愛-] rem@yy0502 Added (r) ser 1000035759 gr * ref vtwa37 ps v.p./s.v. df love to play ...138 bytes (25 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py yīnyóu(r) rem@TB2002.11 Added (r); cf. 借因由儿. char 因由 ser 1016036297 gr * ref 53187 ps n. en coll. ...158 bytes (23 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py ái yīhuǐ(r) rem@TB2001.08 Mair proof says change hui4 to hui3; but rem we have an entry for yi1hui4(r), and an entry for yi1hui3(r) ...520 bytes (94 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py dǎ bàobùpíng(r) rem@TB2002.04 zcf/ps problem: no entry for 打抱. Is this really separable v.o.? Also, should the entry for bu4ping2 ...426 bytes (76 words) - 09:04, 20 May 2016
- py xiùsuì(r) rem@TB2000.12 Changed r0 to r. char 秀穗 ser 1014932437 gr * ref vwei1144a5 ps v.o. df@wu put forth flowers/ears ...165 bytes (29 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- py yāzhēn(r) char 鸭胗[鴨-] rem@yy0502 Added (r) ser 1015567108 gr * ref vwu2919a5 ps n. df duck's gizzard ...136 bytes (23 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015