Search results
- 𨚶(=𨛲𨚽) [nián] (乡名) 在今陕西省礼泉县东 北谷口 城境 The Shuōwén Seal form of 𨚶(𨛲𨚽) nián ‘(local region name)’ combines ...287 bytes (26 words) - 02:15, 20 December 2018
- 鲇(F鯰) [nián] (鱼名) 鲇鱼 catfish (Siluriformes) From 鱼/魚 (yú) ‘fish’, and 占/念 nián/niàn (phonetic); also wr. 鲶/鮎. Note: The phonetic component ...341 bytes (43 words) - 05:05, 9 June 2019
- py yī nián yī nián char 一年一年 ser 1019953933 ps adv. df year after year; every year rem@rscook2015年03月11日 new entry (“守株待兔”的来历 ...200 bytes (23 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 1df liǎng nián yị̄ cì de [两年一次的] 2df chíxù liǎng nián de [持续两年的] ...189 bytes (32 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- py yī nián yòu yī nián char 一年又一年 ser 1019954030 ps adv. df year by/after year; every year rem@rscook2015年03月11日 new entry (“守株待兔”的来历 ...194 bytes (26 words) - 14:46, 25 June 2015
- 粘 [zhān] to glue/paste/stick/adhere (粘贴); 不粘锅 non-stick pan [nián] (=黏) 稠粘 sticky; 黏/粘液 mucus; 黏/粘土 clay; (姓) The character 粘 zhān/nián ...1 KB (135 words) - 02:03, 9 August 2019
- df zhẹ̌ngzhěng yī̠ nián de [整整一年的] ex The yearlong drought ... tr Chángdá yī̠ nián de gānhàn zàochéngle hěn dà de sǔnshī. ...321 bytes (47 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 1df sì nián yī cì de [四年一次的]; sì nián jǔxíng yī cì de [四年举行一次的] 2df sì niánqī de [四年期的] rem@rscook_2019-05-07T13:46:47PDT ...242 bytes (38 words) - 03:26, 9 June 2019
- 1df wǔ nián yī cì de [五年一次的]; wǔ nián jǔxíng yī cì de [五年举行一次的] 2df wǔ niánqī de [五年期的] rem@rscook_2019-05-07T13:46:47PDT ...242 bytes (41 words) - 03:26, 9 June 2019
- 1df sān nián yī cì de [三年一次的]; sān nián jǔxíng yī cì de [三年举行一次的] 2df sān niánqī de [三年期的] rem@rscook_2019-05-07T13:46:47PDT ...243 bytes (42 words) - 03:26, 9 June 2019
- 1df nián fù yī̠ nián [年复一年] 2df niánniánrúcǐ [年年如此] rem@2004.06.09 ?missing-pinyin (not-class-a): {nian2nian2ru2ci3} rem@cw2004.07.10 Added ...279 bytes (37 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 黏 [nián] 黏糊糊 sticky; 黏米 sticky/glutinous rice; 黏贴 glue/paste/stick (together); cf. 粘 (发粘/黏, …)@@; (HDZ:) … The Shuōwén Seal form of 黏( ...777 bytes (76 words) - 03:00, 21 September 2018
- tr Yào dádào wǒ de mùbiāo xūyào jǐ nián de shíjiān. rem@yy20060516 Changed from 'niǎn' to 'nián' in tr. ...373 bytes (67 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015
- 哖 [nián] ? (YTZ) #c口年 #rD.1.617.1* ...51 bytes (7 words) - 01:12, 20 December 2018
- 𦷙 [nián] (草名) #rD.5.3264.10 #c艹秥禾占䒩 ...66 bytes (6 words) - 02:10, 20 December 2018
- 𩽴 [nián] (鱼名) #rD.7.4721.13 #c魚嚴 ...57 bytes (6 words) - 02:21, 20 December 2018
- 脌 [nián] ? (Cantonese) 奶汁 #rD.3.2067.19* #c月年 ...67 bytes (7 words) - 23:01, 25 November 2016
- 鵇 [nián] ? (Morohashi) (國字) #rD.7.4629.14* #c年鳥 ...71 bytes (7 words) - 01:49, 20 December 2018
- 𪎋(F䴴) [tiè] [nián] cf. 䴴 #c麦占 ...55 bytes (8 words) - 01:59, 28 January 2016
- 1df nián huá de [粘滑的]; nínìng de [泥泞的] rem@TB2006年01月13日 Is "nián huá" really two words? It's ...463 bytes (76 words) - 19:44, 17 June 2015